Page 88 of Brinley's Savior

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Lyric nodded and then his eyes widened as he took in someone behind me. I turned to see the nurse Ruby standing there watching us. Or it may have been only Lyric she had eyes on. She seemed to snap out of it and looked at me.

“Hey, Brinley. You guys sure all seem to make your way through this hospital a lot. I’m just glad you are all doing okay.” She snuck another peek in Lyric’s direction before bringing her gaze back to mine. “If you’d like, you can see Rowan now. But only a couple back at a time for now, okay?”

I wanted to find out how they caught Michael, but I wanted to see Rowan more. He was in custody so my mind was at ease and someone would tell me the details later.

“I can show you to his room,” Ruby said.

“Let me just grab our son.” It may have been awful to wake the little guy up when it was so late, but he would want to see his father and know he was okay. I rushed over and gently took Zander from Summer’s arms. Her smile was bigger now that we knew all was well with Rowan.

Everyone was so close and I was glad each of our friends could rest easy now.

Zander’s body wrapped around me and his head lay on my shoulder. “Is Daddy okay?” he mumbled. “I want to see my daddy.”

“That’s where we’re going, baby. You can see him right now.” I hugged him tightly and walked back over to the nurse.

“We’re ready.”

The pretty redhead's gaze roamed over the rest of the group. “I’ll do what I can to get you all back to see him shortly. Follow me,” she told Zander and me.

“Sounds like they are keeping him twenty-four hours to monitor him and then he should be set to go home,” Ruby said as we walked down the hall.

That wasn’t very long but I just wanted our family together in our own space. It had been a long night and we’d been through a lot.

“So, what do you guys all do that brings trouble to your doorstep so often?” she asked, keeping the conversation going. When I glanced over, she scrunched up her face. “Sorry, it’s none of my business, and I didn’t do that very well.”

She’d been wonderful when I’d been in the hospital and if the ladies were match-making her with Lyric it was obvious they liked her as well.

“It’s okay.” I turned back to watch where I was walking as I told her about the guys working forNo Surrender,what they did there and for people in their homes, venues, etc. I realized when I got done that she hadn’t said a word and was incredibly quiet.

Looking back in her direction, she looked lost in thought. I wasn’t sure what that was about but I didn’t ask because we’d come to a stop outside Rowan’s room. My heart picked up and I was almost nervous to see him.

Silly, I know.

Once I walked in I didn’t want to spend another minute without him again even though I knew that wasn’t possible. We both had lives and work outside each other. But at least we’d be married soon.

“What are you waiting for?” Ruby asked. “Go on in.”

I looked down at the stunning, diamond ring on my left hand, that sparkled with love. And an idea formed.

“Ruby, do you think you could help me with something?”

“I’ll surely do my best. What did you need?”

A big smile split my face.

I had asked Rowan if tomorrow was too soon.



God,they were a sight for sore eyes.

When Brinley walked in with our son in her arms, I had sunk into the bed and my body finally relaxed. I’d been so full of tension that it had almost hurt worse than the bullets that had penetrated my skin.

Not knowing what had been going on while I got checked out and stitched up had me full of nervous energy that was so charged it could have lit up a hundred city blocks. I didn’t know if my family was okay. The shooter was still at large when I’d been brought in and I’d had no clue where he might go next.

“Hey, Buttercup,” I said softly, as I extended my hand to get her to come closer. “Are you okay? Did someone check you over?”
