Page 89 of Stone Heart

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“But what about Lauren? What does she need?”

Maggie and Cole—along with Deb—overheard Richie’s comment and Danny’s question as they came out of the house. Without hesitation, Deb weighed in with her own answer. “That woman needs to mind her own business. After all the trouble she’s caused…”

“Stop!” Cole’s voice was surprisingly forceful. “Didn’t you hear anything that Father Rob said at church today? He talked about how even good people sin, and about how they deserve our prayers and compassion, not our condemnation. You know, casting the first stone and all that? Don’t judge lest you be judged?”

“Cole! I’m not the one you should be angry with.” Her grandmother sounded prim and snippy.

“Yes, you are! I am mad at you. I’m mad at Uncle Danny and Aunt Heather. And I’m mad at Lauren, too. All I ever hear is how I’m supposed to act like a grown-up, but you act like the mean girls I go to school with. What ever happened to talking to each other? Not making assumptions? Taking responsibility for your mistakes—because we all make them!”

Danny was stunned. Cole had never spoken to any of them like this—and she sounded like an angry adult, not a child.

“You’re too young to understand—” Deb started to say.

“—Maybe I am,” Cole interrupted. “I don’t know how I feel about what Lauren and Uncle Danny did. But it seems to me that you’re happy to spread a whole lot of blame around and not a whole lot of forgiveness.”

Deb was gripping the gold crucifix she always wore on a chain around her neck. She was about to say something, but Cole looked directly at her and said, “I bet you’ve never said a prayer for Lauren, have you, Nanny?”

For once in her life, Deb was at a loss for words. She turned on her heels and disappeared into the house.


Tisha summoned Lauren to Velocity’s main reception area, telling her she had a visitor in the lobby. Lauren was puzzled. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and a small part of her twisted inside, remembering echoes of the last unpleasant surprise visitor. And when Lauren saw Cole standing by the reception desk, dressed in her St. Catherine’s school uniform with her book bag slung over her shoulder, all she could think was,Oh shit.

“Hi, Lauren,” Cole said.

“Hi.” Lauren hesitated. “What are you doing here, Cole?”

Cole’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to just show up. I’ve wanted to take you up on your offer. Come and watch a session, but…” She bit her lip.

“But your mother said no,” Lauren said.


“And you showed up anyway.” A little part of Lauren totally respected Cole’s power move. It was something she might have done as a teen. But she also knew, given the circumstances, all hell would break loose if it looked like she put Cole up to this.

“Seize the day?” Cole asked with a hesitant smile.

Despite her best efforts, a grin broke through and twisted the corner of Lauren’s mouth. “How did you get here?”

“I told my mother that I was going to the library.”

“Oh, Christ. You lied to your mother?”

Cole managed to look embarrassed, and then everything tumbled out. “Pretty much. I got a taxi from the library to here. Figured I’d text my mom later and let her know I needed to be picked up somewhere else. I’m sorry to just show up. I’ve been asking to come since you invited me, and I always get the runaround. There’s always a reason not to, but I know it’s just because they’re uncomfortable. So, I figured I’d just handle it myself. I hope you’re not upset. It’s just that getting to see The Kingmakers record? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance. I couldn’t not come… You’re upset, aren’t you?”

Cole finally ran out of breath and paused.

Lauren blew out a sharp breath. “No… but you shouldn’t be sneaking behind your mother’s back, Cole. Not cool.” A little part of her couldn’t believe those words had come out of her mouth.


Lauren held up her hand, silencing Cole. “Don’t you ‘but Lauren’ me. Here’s what we’re going to do: Tisha is going to call your mom’s office and let her know where you are. For as long as it takes for her to get here, you can stay and listen. And you had better make it crystal clear to her that this wasyouridea, not mine. Understand?”

Cole nodded. “I understand.”

Lauren turned back towards the door, and Cole started to get her bag and follow her. “No.”

“But you said—”
