Page 97 of Stone Heart

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“You bet, sweetie.”

Out in the backyard, the younger cousins were kicking a soccer ball around, creating some sort of keep-away game with rules that seemed to change every few minutes. The kids, however, were doing a good job of working things out. Lauren only had to warn them once to behave.

“We never played that nicely,” Carolyn said as she strolled up.

Lauren shook her head. “Jackie always tried to boss us around since I’d never play the way she wanted.”

“You still don’t.”

Lauren laughed. “No. No, I don’t. But at least I’ve only gotten the stink-eye from her a few times today.”

Carolyn rubbed the swell of her belly. About six months pregnant, she was definitely showing.

“How are you feeling?”

“Fine. No more morning sickness. But I’ll tell you, that’s the last time I go clubbing with you.” When Lauren didn’t respond, Carolyn deliberately rubbed her pregnant belly again and added, “Do the math.”

Lauren let out a little gasp. “Ohmygod. You got pregnant the night we went to Blue Ruby!”

“You did promise Greg you’d bring me home drunk and silly!” Carolyn’s laugh was infectious.

“I guess I did, didn’t I?”

They continued watching all the kids play with exuberant abandon until Carolyn’s twins laid hands on a yard rake with metal tines, and she yelled, “I don’t think so!”

They dropped it immediately.

“Respect,” Lauren said. “Major Mom voice. I’m impressed.” She fist-bumped her sister.

“I love them, but they’re completely feral,” Carolyn said.

“So were we.”

One of the twins ran over and presented Lauren with a white rock from the flower garden. She barely had time to say thank you for the surprise gift before he dashed away to chase his brother.

“Me and Steph are worried about you,” Carolyn said. “You’re looking thin. Are you doing okay with the whole Danny thing?”

Carolyn was probably the only one who could have asked her about Danny without it sounding like a judgment or accusation. She’d let Carolyn and Steph know about her breakup and although she knew they meant well, Lauren had kept them at arm’s length for a while.

“Weareworried,” echoed Stephanie, who’d just come over to join them.

“I know you are. Believe it or not, I’ve put weight on. Augie makes sure I eat. Am I okay? Mostly. Some days are better than others, you know?”

“I’m sorry,” Carolyn said. “I know how much you care about Danny. I guess, at least now you won’t always wonder ‘what if’ when you think about him.”

“She’s right,” Steph said. “I think it was better than not trying.”

Lauren looked at them both for what felt like a long time. “You’ve always had my back, even when I’ve done some damn stupid things. You do know how much that means to me, right?”

Carolyn smiled again. “You’re our sister, Lauren. We love you.”

Stephanie surprised her with a hug. “You live a big, bold life, Lauren. You see what you want, and you go after it even if it means a huge fall if you fail. If Jackie has an issue about how you live your life and what you do, well, she can… she can…”

“She can piss off,” Carolyn finished.


After Thanksgiving, everything became even more intense for The Kingmakers. Tony, the owner of Red Ridge Entertainment had been so anxious to keep the band as a client after the debacle with Roberta, he promised them he would handle their account personally. And he hadn’t disappointed. Tony had designed an extensive publicity plan, including several stops at radio stations throughout the U.S. to talk up their new double album—officially titledStone Heart—and the first single. They started in New York on Z83 and Jamie Dolan’s Rock and Roll Morning Show and then WXVV with Conrad Kane during the drive home. From there, they shuttled up to New England. The following day they hit the morning show on Providence’s rock station, then went on to an extensive discussion with one of the top stations in Boston.
