Page 32 of Dare Me

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Okay, that wasn’t true. There had been plenty of times she could have worn it. She just hadn’t had anyone to wear it for.

She was back in a good mood as she walked into the office only to come up short when she saw Diane almost bent over her desk, being kissed by a silver-haired man.

“Oh!” she couldn’t quite stop herself from exclaiming.

The pair immediately jumped apart. But instead of looking upset, Diane smiled.

“Sorry,” Diane said as she brushed her hair back from her face. “Jade, this is Marco.” She motioned. “Marco, Jade.”

“Hello.” Jade smiled.

“Hello,” Marco said in a thick accent. “You are my Diane’s boss?”

Jade smiled. “I am.”

“I am sorry I am taking up my sweet’s work time,” Marco said, taking Diane’s hand in his.

“That’s quite alright. Since she’s still officially on her lunch break… I’ll just leave you two to finish,” she added with a wink. “It was nice to meet you, Marco.”

Jade shuffled into her office and shut the door behind her. Less than five minutes later, Diane knocked on her door.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she entered.

“Don’t be. He’s very charming,” she said, then added, “Was he the one you were arguing with before?”

Diane looked confused, then chuckled. “God no. Marco is… a lover, not a fighter. He’s manager over at the Sunrise Resort down the street.”

Jade smiled. “Did everything get situated from before?”

“Yes.” Diane sighed. “Which is why I’m in here now. It appears that Shannon has contacted your father personally and tried to get her job back from him.”

“What?” Jade stiffened. “Seriously?” She reached for her phone to call her father.

“Don’t bother,” Diane said. “Your father has already confirmed that while you are in charge, your decisions are final.”

Jade relaxed and smiled again. “He did?”

Diane smiled and nodded. “Did you think he wouldn’t?”

She shrugged. “No, I guess not. It’s just…” Her smile grew. “I’m in charge.” She practically squealed it, causing Diane to laugh.

Just then the phone rang, and Diane went to answer it. Five minutes later, she let Carol into the office and sat and listened to the woman complain about all the security changes Jade had implemented since arriving.

The woman acted as if she ran the place. Sure, she’d worked at the front desk longer than any other employee, but that didn’t give her the right to set standards for the entire resort. Especially when there were serious security leaks.

At one point, several room keys had been duplicated. Guests were given rooms that were already filled while others were given higher paying rooms for the cheaper prices. Jade’s changes prevented all of these issues.

It took Jade almost a full hour to get Carol out of her office. By then, she was back to being in a bad mood. She spent the rest of her workday going over the changes and making sure she’d made the right decision. In the end, she realized she had, and that Carol was just being a diva.

Leaving her office, she headed to her place and changed. Seeing Josie’s things in the hallway reminded her that her friend hadn’t even unpacked before jumping into work.

She dragged the luggage down the hallway and set it inside the guest room. She went into her own room and changed into the little black dress. She even took a few moments to touch up her makeup and hair and added some red lipstick and her sexy red heels.

She didn’t know what time Wyatt got off work, but she was going to make sure he wished it was sooner. Smiling at her reflection, she grabbed her handbag and headed downstairs.

Her pathway took her past the large birthday party, which was bleeding into the lobby area. There were tons of teenagers running around taking selfies or group pictures by the large water fountain in the main lobby area.

When she walked by the birthday girl and her minions, they glanced at her and burst into laughter, and she thought about turning around and changing from her sexy dress. All of them were in tight little dresses that barely covered their skinny sixteen-year-old bodies.
