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“Indeed,” he concurred evenly. “It’s why I’m here. I wondered if you would be averse to riding the rest of the way to Marlington Hall, as opposed to continuing the services of your hired coachman. That is, if you have a proper gown in your trunk. No doubt he needs to return to London and Mrs. Evans has graciously offered the use of her personal mare to make the journey.”

“I have a riding habit,” she returned politely, all the while hating this sudden awkwardness between them.

The past two days they had shared confidences and even a devastatingkissthat still caused her skin to tingle with awareness, and yet, he was acting aloof, as if none of it had even occurred. Then again, he was likely laying down the boundaries that would have to be in place when they arrived at the estate. Commoners and the nobility might exchange a civil word or two, but it didn’t extend as far as friendship. Olivia had always despised those strictures, but there was nothing to be done for it.

“Capital.” He nodded curtly. “I will inform Mrs. Evans that you have agreed.”

As he started to leave, she was spurred into action. “Wait!” She walked over to the traveling dress folded on top of her trunk and withdrew a small purse. She emptied a few coins into her palm and walked back over to Mr. Stone. “Please give this to the coachman along with my appreciation.”

His brows lifted when he spied the extra blunt she was offering. “Aren’t you being a bit generous?”

She lifted her chin. “He was forced to be away from his family for Christmas to spend it with strangers. It’s the least I can do for any inconvenience.”

He reached out a hand, but instead of taking the funds, he closed her palm over the coins. “Keep your money, Lady Olivia. I shall ensure that he is properly compensated.”

Concerned that he was only being polite on her behalf, she opened her mouth to refuse his offer, but any argument died in her throat when he touched a light finger to her lips. “Allow me this courtesy, my lady.”

Olivia stared into his dark eyes and found that she couldn’t deny him anything that he wanted. She nodded slowly.

His lips lifted slightly, and then he was gone.

* * *

There weretwo reasons that Miles wished to send the coachman back to London. Unfortunately, none of them were as selfless as Olivia’s excuses, that he might miss his own family.

One reason was because when they arrived at Marlington Hall, he didn’t want anything to disrupt his current façade with Lady Olivia, in that she was currently under the impression he was an estate manager. While he fully intended to have a staff meeting at the earliest convenience to solidify his authority in the household, he wasn’t comfortable with telling Olivia his identity just yet. In truth, he wanted to retain her confidence so that he could gain some further insight into the estate. He had seen the numbers when he was contacted by the solicitor, but it was quite different when one sat down to review the ledgers. Things could be altered to the benefit of the family, and while he didn’t believe that was the case when it came to the previous duke, he couldn’t take any chances that Marlington Hall might be struggling.

Or that Olivia’s sisters didn’t have proper dowries at their disposal.

Second, and probably the most valid reason, was that he didn’t want to sit in that carriage with Olivia because they were entirely too close for his comfort. After the past two nights suffering with a body that was on fire for her, waking before the sunrise that morning with an aching cock and the taste of her innocent kiss lingering on his mouth, he knew a brisk ride in the cold would do him some good.

He wasn’t completely without scruples, however, for he intended to ensure she was well cared for upon their arrival at the estate she had once called home. Since she wasn’t particularly fond of the cold, he was also making preparations to see that the journey was as easy—and as warm—as possible. He had already purchased a heavy woolen shawl and a fur muff from Mrs. Evans’s sister-in-law who ran the local millinery.

He presented Lady Olivia with these items a short time later when sheappeared downstairs fully dressed and ready to depart, the tentative smile on her face and the bloom of color on her cheeks told him the purchase had been worth every shilling.

The innkeeper walked over to Olivia and embraced her. When she pulled back, tears glittered upon her weathered face. “Oh, look at me!” she sniffed. “I have turned into quite the watering pot, and for no good reason! More people than you can imagine have walked through that front door, but I daresay I’m sorry to see you go.”

Olivia smiled kindly. “I promise that I will come back to visit soon. I have had a lovely time in Gillingham, and you have been an exceptional hostess.”

Mrs. Evans offered a watery smile. “Bless you for your kind words, Mrs. Stone.”

“Thank you for your hospitality,” she returned. “I promise to send your mare back in hearty condition and will personally ensure she receives an extra bag of oats when we reach our destination in Canterbury.”

As they took their leave, Miles noted that Olivia’s green eyes were slightly moist as she walked over to the mare. He assisted her into the seat, and after she hooked her leg over the pommel of the sidesaddle, he easily climbed onto the back of his black gelding. He patted Gladiator’s neck and murmured in his ear. “It’s good to see you again, boy. I hope you’re ready to stretch those legs.”

In reply, the mount snorted and moved restlessly beneath him. He grinned, finding that he was feeling very much the same.

He glanced over at his ‘wife,’ and something foreign wormed its way into his chest. He might have thought it was emotion if he hadn’t closed himself off to anything pertaining to the heart long ago. “Are you ready?”

He saw her lift her chin with determination. The lady might imagine that she wasn’t as strong in character as her sisters, but he could see the strength inside of her yearning to burst free. “I am.”

With that, she spurned her mount forward, and Miles quickly followed.

They allowed the silent, snowy landscape to be their guide as they left the village behind and continued along the road at an even pace. Even though the snow was deep in places, the horses were able to make a steady progress through the tracks made by carriages that had already passed through. Around mid-morning, they reached the village of Sittingbourne.

“Would you like to stop for luncheon, or continue on to the next town?” Miles asked, as he slowed his pace.

She did the same and he noticed that her cheeks were red from the cold, but she didn’t seem to mind as she replied, “I think we can make it to Faversham, don’t you?”
