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“Mr. Stone?” Again, the butler’s expression appeared puzzled. “I’m afraid I wasn’t appraised of your arrival.”

“The duke didn’t mention it?” Olivia asked in confusion, finding it rather remiss of him to do so. If this was the manner in which he conducted business, she feared for the future of her father’s estate.

“No, my lady,” Edgerton concurred. “As he has yet to make an appearance.”

Olivia brightened instantly. “Is that so? Do you know when he might arrive?”

“I cannot say,” the servant returned. “We have not heard from him since he inherited. The solicitor wrote and said that everything had been handled, but we have yet to meet your father’s heir.”

“How very odd,” Olivia muttered, but then, she decided this was a good thing. Since the new duke had yet to settle in, that meant she could easily take control of the household as before, and later, worry about the heir when he showed up—if he even decided to do that.

A slow smile spread across her face as she untied her bonnet and handed it to the butler. It was as a if a terrible weight had been lifted. Not only was everything just as she’d left it behind all those weeks ago, but she easily fell into lady of the manor upon her return. “Edgerton, in light of the new heir’s absence, I shall tell you that I have come back for an indeterminate amount of time, so I would appreciate it if my previous rooms were made up. I shall also like a bath prepared and a supper tray and some tea sent to my chamber. I daresay I am weary from travel and chilled to the bone.” She gestured to the front door. “I should also like the mare I rode to have extra provisions in the stable and a good rub down before she is returned to the inn at Gillingham. I will, of course, send along an added bonus to the innkeeper for her generosity.”

The butler bowed lightly. “I shall see to it at once, my lady.” As he straightened, he had a certain glimmer in his eyes. “I daresay it is good to have you with us once again.”

Olivia glanced around the familiar surroundings and had to resist the urge to spread her arms wide and spin in a happy circle. “As am I, Edgerton. As am I.”

* * *

It was readilyapparent that Lady Olivia had the butler wrapped around her finger, so it would take a bit of charming persuasion on Miles’s part to earn the servant’s loyalty. The same would also go for the severe looking woman who entered the foyer. She was dressed in black, her brown hair pulled back into a tight knot at the nape of her neck. Keys jangled at her waist, and he discerned that she was the housekeeper. Moments later, it was confirmed, as she blinked in surprise and then smiled broadly at the sight of one of her former mistresses.

Miles watched as the two exchanged pleasantries and Lady Olivia gave the same explanation that she had given the butler, ensuring that her reasons for traveling alone were rather vague. As he observed their conversation, he realized that Lady Olivia truly had come alive the moment she’d entered her former domain. It was obvious she was in her element here, because she was more animated now than he had ever seen her before. In truth, he was surprised that her sisters never noticed it, or perhaps they just chose not to acknowledge it.

“Mr. Stone?”

Miles snapped to attention and turned his attention to the housekeeper who was regarding him rather shrewdly. She certainly didn’t look at him as she had Lady Olivia. “I don’t recall mention of a new estate manager.” She drew herself up even straighter if possible. “And I wasn’t informed that Mr. Drayson had given his notice.” Her gaze flicked to the butler. “Were you aware of this alteration, Edgerton?”

“Not that I am aware,” the butler said slowly. “Although we have yet to hear from the new master, so something could have changed without our knowledge.”

The housekeeper sniffed but said no more on the subject as she headed to gather the maids to fulfill Lady Olivia’s wishes.

While they were waiting, Lady Olivia turned to the butler. “I would like Mr. Stone to have his choice of guest rooms as well. He was of great assistance to me on my journey here when I ran into some trouble during the storm.”

Edgerton hesitated, but he didn’t argue, merely inclined his head politely, although his gaze shifted to Mr. Stone momentarily in obvious displeasure. No doubt he was wondering exactly how much ‘assistance’ he had been to Lady Olivia.

As soon as she was gone, Miles intended to set matters straight in that regard.

When the housekeeper returned with two housemaids in tow, the butler told them of Lady Olivia’s request regarding Miles. The housekeeper had a distasteful expression on her face as she pursed her lips, but she said nothing as she headed for the stairs with the maids trailing behind her.

Olivia finally turned to Miles, and some of her usual hesitation was present. “I suppose I shall see you in the morning. It’s been a long day and I doubt I would be very good company tonight if we dined formally.”

“Of course. You are right and I could do with some rest as well. Good evening, my lady.” He bowed politely and she smiled slightly before she turned and headed up the stairs.

As soon as he could be assured that she was out of earshot, Miles adopted his best ducal tone and said firmly, “Edgerton, is it?” When the butler inclined his head, he added, “I should like to see all of the servants downstairs in the kitchens if I may. I have an announcement about the new heir that you all might wish to hear.”

The butler looked unsure, but he said, “I will take care of it, Mr. Stone.”

Miles didn’t correct him.

That would come later.

* * *

An hour and a half later,after cooling his heels in the duke’s study with a pile of ledgers in front of him, so that he might familiarize himself with the Marlington estate, Edgerton appeared in the doorframe with a slight clearing of his throat to get Miles’s attention. “Mr. Stone, I have assembled everyone downstairs as you requested.”

“Capital.” Miles was grateful for the distraction, for his vision was starting to blur. It also made him aware that he was more tired than he’d allowed himself to imagine. After he’d spoken with the staff, he intended to find his bed.

For now, he followed the butler to the kitchens. There he found nine people standing around the servant’s dining table with interested curiosity in their gazes, other than the housekeeper. She still carried the same look of annoyance from earlier.
