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Not just that, but she tried to act as though it didn’t unnerve her to see him sitting there so casually, one leg crossed over the other, but it did. The only other man she had witnessed being so comfortable in these surroundings had been her father.

She clasped her hands before her. “Good morning, Mr. Stone.” A section of the newspaper was folded down, those dark eyes piercing in their intensity. “I would have thought you might have already retired to the study to look over the accounts.”

He folded the paper and set it beside him on a nearby table. “I started the project last evening, but I was actually waiting for you to appear before I went back to work.”

Her pulse jumped unnervingly. “Whatever for?”

His gaze remained steady on her face. “I was hoping you might give me a tour of the estate, so that I might familiarize myself with everything a bit more.” He offered a slight smile. “I daresay I nearly got lost going to my rooms last evening.”

Olivia relaxed slightly. “Of course. Perhaps if you see what a treasure Marlington Hall is, you might be my champion when it comes to convincing the new duke to let me stay.”

“I’m not sure how much help I could be,” he murmured.

“Anything is better than nothing,” she noted.

“Indeed.” He stood, and not for the first time, Olivia was impressed by his height and the breadth of his shoulders in his tailored jacket. It was a shame he hadn’t been born into the nobility, as he would have made more than one lady twitter at a society ball in London. He paused in front of her and waved a hand. “After you, my lady.”

Olivia quickly turned and found it was much easier to speak when she wasn’t facing him. “Where would you like to go first?” she asked.

He paused. “Where is your favorite place to go?”

She smiled broadly. “That’s an easy enough task.” She immediately led the way upstairs to the west wing of the manor to the library. It had always been her refuge, not just when she was upset with her sisters, but she had enjoyed a love of reading since she’d been a child. It didn’t even matter if it was Latin studies, or a novel, she devoured anything that was on the written page.

She paused before a set of large, mahogany doors and then pushed them open. She closed her eyes for an instant as the familiar scents of parchment, ink, and leather assailed her nostrils, and then she continued on. She stopped in the middle of the room and turned to Mr. Stone who was glancing about his surroundings. The shelves were filled from the floor to the ceiling with a staircase on either side of the expanse that led to an upper landing. The heavy, velvet drapes covering the large windows were thrown open and let in plenty of natural light. A sitting area was situated in the midst with several large chairs and Queen Anne side tables scattered in front of a massive, marble fireplace that emitted a cozy, crackling warmth.

Olivia walked over and sat down in one of the chairs closest to the mantel. “This was where I spent most of my time.” She looked out over the massive selection of books. “I would wager to guess I’ve read most of these volumes.”

“Impressive, Lady Olivia,” her companion murmured. “Did your sisters have a similar penchant for reading?”

She laughed. “Hardly. Calliope might read the gossip rags or pore over the latest fashion plates from Paris. Isadora preferred the outdoors and spent most of her time in the gardens, while Araminta…” She shrugged. “Generally, she was out riding, or speaking with the servants to ensure that the household ran smoothly. Even though Isa was the eldest, Minty was more suited to the role of mistress.”

He crossed his arms. “That will serve her well if she is to wed the Earl of Somers.”

“Indeed,” she concurred. “She will make a wonderful wife and mother, and her household will be incomparable.” She glanced up and noticed that he was watching her with interest. It unnerved her, so she stood and began to walk around, speaking as she did so. “Many of the books in my father’s collection date back centuries and are quite valuable. It would certainly be worth noting if it hasn’t already been done.”

“Has an appraiser ever been called in?” he asked from behind her. Although she couldn’t discern how close he was, his raspy voice still caused her skin to break out in gooseflesh.

“I believe at one time, yes,” Olivia returned firmly, in an attempt to get her mind back on the right track. “But it has been several years.”

“Are there any other antiquities in the house? If so, I should think it wouldn’t be amiss to make a new record of any valuables.”

“You are quite right,” Olivia agreed, as she turned back to face him. She blinked, for he was closer than she had imagined, and it was unsettling, especially when his gaze was as steady as before.

She backed up a few steps to retain a respectable distance between them, but when her back came into contact with a set of shelves behind her, she swallowed nervously. “I… suppose we’ve spent enough time in here. We should… tour the rest of the house.”

He strode forward until he was directly in front of her. He lifted an arm and rested it next to her head. Olivia froze, but he wasn’t even looking at her, but rather, peering at a book above her with apparent interest. He was so close that she could smell the light scent of his shaving soap, and it would be so easy to reach out and rub her fingers along the dark blue superfine of his coat, to feel that pounding heart beneath her fingers once more.

Her eyes lifted to encompass that dark hair pulled back in his usual queue, and then drifted over that strong jawline and the perfectly, sculpted mouth. Her breathing hitched, realizing that she wanted nothing more in that moment for him to kiss her again. Her chin even lifted slightly, so that it would give him better access.

“There are so many titles here, it’s difficult to pick one,” he murmured. Finally, his eyes met hers once more, and her pulse raced at the yearning she saw in his dark gaze. He lifted his free hand to her hair and gently tucked a stray strand behind her ear. “Which one do you recommend, my lady?”

Her mind was an absolute blank. “There are several… good ones,” she whispered.

“Are there?” he noted softly.

“Yes.” She couldn’t breathe. “I suppose it depends on what you… enjoy.”

His breath teased her cheek. “I like many subjects, my lady.” His eyes seemed to reach through and touch her very soul. “Perhaps anatomy?” He slowly lowered his head until his mouth was inches from hers. “Or chemistry?”
