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She saw his expression harden, a flicker of torment crossing his dark gaze, and then it cleared. “Where to next?”

She was grateful that he wasn’t upset with her, although he was the one who had mentioned his past this time. After last night, she knew not to question him, and she intended to keep silent, no matter how much curiosity might burn within her.

“I thought the conservatory would be ideal.” She smiled at him. “It’s a lovely way to bring a bit of spring into the cold midst of winter.”

He winked. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Olivia had to glance away so that she could catch her breath and still her suddenly pounding heart.

For a time, the only sound was their combined footsteps leading down the hall, and while it might have been an awkward silence with anyone else, Olivia found that, although she had shared some rather scandalous moments with the man at her side, the quiet between them wasn’t unnerving.

Unless, of course, she took into account the man himself.

Now and then she caught a whiff of his clean, male scent and it stirred her blood to the point her pulse was racing with anticipation.

Would he try to kiss her again? Did she evenwanthim to?

Her traitorous body screamed yes, but her sensible side warned her not to go down that ruinous path. Then again, if she intended to be a spinster, who would it hurt?

She pictured Mr. Stone when he wore the pain of his past and decided that she wouldn’t be so cruel as to knowingly put him through anything like that when she knew that nothing permanent could ever come between them. And while she had undoubtedly injured her sisters with her abrupt departure, it was only a temporary distress. Once they saw how content she was back at Marlington Hall, she knew that they would support her decision. Her only impediment was the new heir, but she was confident that she could sway his decision to her side.

As they came upon a glass enclosed structure, she attempted to open the door, only to find that it wouldn’t open. She frowned, and tried again, giving it a bit more pressure.

“Is something amiss?” he asked politely.

She exhaled in frustration. “It appears to be stuck.”

“Ah.” He urged her out of the way. “That happens with the moisture and temperature variation at times.” He set his shoulder against the door and pushed. With a slight groan of protest, it opened.

Instantly, Olivia was enveloped with the familiar, sultry heat and the scents of several plants and flowers. Nevertheless, she adopted a frown. “Strange, but I don’t recall it ever giving me issue before?”

He shrugged. “Perhaps the house has settled some since you were here last.”

“In just a few weeks?” she blinked.

“Stranger things have happened,” he chuckled.

As they made their way farther into the conservatory, he shut the door so that it wouldn’t hit a random pot on the ground in front of them.

And this time, it wouldn’t budge.

Chapter Eleven

The blood promptly receded from Olivia’s face. “We’re trapped?”

She hated the almost desperate sound in her tone, but when she thought of being in such close proximity to Mr. Stone in such sweltering conditions…

Who knew what might happen?

She immediately began to bang on the door. “Open the door! We’re in here!”

It didn’t take long before he halted her movements with a hand on her arm. “I don’t think there’s any point,” he murmured. “It doesn’t seem as if the servants visit this section of the house very often.” He glanced around, and Olivia followed his gaze to the slightly wilted plants around them.

She swallowed heavily. If they only appeared to water them once a week…

“Help!” She redoubled her efforts, but again, he stopped her.

“Save your strength. I’m sure we can find another way out. If nothing else,” he pointed out reasonably. “Someone will come looking for us when we don’t appear for luncheon. Until then, we might as well get comfortable.”
