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He looked at the butler who was still standing by silently. But now, he lifted a brow in query. “Is something amiss?”

Miles was quite sure the servant, along with the rest of the downstairs staff, would have a wonderful laugh at his expense over all of this. “Quite,” he snapped. Since a reply was still in order, he tossed the letter on the desk and said, “You may tell the messenger that I am in receipt of the duchess’s request and that she will be expected when she arrives during the new year. You might also mention, discreetly, of course, that the lady she had hoped to engage my attentions is also in residence.” He lifted his own brow. “That should take some of the sting out of her anger.”

Edgerton bowed from the waist, but there was a decided twinkle in his eyes. “I will ensure that your message is conveyed promptly and accurately.”

“I do so appreciate your thoroughness and kind consideration on the matter, Edgerton,” Miles drawled, as the butler left with a decided smirk on his face.

He knew that nothing else would be accomplished this day, so perhaps it was time he took a brisk ride through the snow on Gladiator to clear his mind. Maybe then the answers to the problems he had would finally come to him.

* * *

Rather than goingto her chamber, Olivia decided that she would go down to the kitchens and see if the cook had any of those apple tarts she loved so much. She was unsettled and the flaky, sweet treat had always been soothing to her weary soul when something was weighing heavily on her mind.

She headed down the servant’s stairs, but she heard a discussion about the Duchess of Gravesend coming from inside the room before she turned the corner, and Olivia instantly hesitated. Every nerve ending went on alert as she remained out of sight, but not out of hearing.

“…was told to relay that the duchess would be expected in the new year, and to also let her know that Lady Olivia Bevelstroke is also in attendance.”

She recognized the voice of Edgerton, but the speaker that replied wasn’t known to her but was obviously a messenger. “Very good, sir.” She overheard the scrape of a chair behind pushed back. “Thank ye for yer hospitality. I’ll be ’eadin’ back t’ London now.”

Olivia made sure to remain out of sight until the man left, and then she turned and raced up the stairs, hoping that she might catch him coming out of the door before he mounted his horse.

She grabbed her cloak on the way out the door and threw it over her shoulders as she raced down the front steps of the manor. She turned the corner and saw the messenger getting ready to put a foot in the stirrup.

Olivia was breathing heavily from her exertions, but she found enough air in her lungs to call out. “Pardon me, sir?”

He paused and turned at the sound of her voice. He was dressed as a commoner and kept the reins in his grasp as he inclined his head. “Yes, ma’am?”

“My name is Lady Olivia Bevelstroke.”

She was rewarded with a flash of recognition in his gaze, followed by a contrite manner. “Beggin’ yer pardon, me lady.”

She waved a dismissive hand. “I daresay I’m not concerned if you addressed me properly, but rather what your purpose was in coming here?”

He glanced about the lawn, as if someone might come running over to intercept them. Or perhaps save him from this conversation, she wasn’t sure which. “I had a message from the Duchess of Gravesend.”

“For whom?” she persisted.

He seemed lost for a moment, and then he added, “For her son, the duke.”

The cold swirling around Olivia began to settle into her very bones. But perhaps she had heard wrong. “Are you trying to say that the Duke of Gravesend… ishere?” She shook her head, positive that she had made an error. “That’s not possible. I’m the only one of nobility in residence. I would surely know if a duke was here as well.”

He seemed decidedly uncomfortable now. “I do apologize, me lady, but I saw th’ duke himself.” He gestured to the snow-covered landscape. “’E rode out just a few moments ago.”

Some of the feeling started to return to her frozen limbs. “That explains it then. I just missed him. Thank you for the clarification. I shall bid you good day and safe travels on your return to the city.”

He inclined his head as she turned back to the house. Her teeth were starting to chatter, but at least now she knew that she would soon have an adversary to contend with. She couldn’t say why the Duke of Gravesend might be at Marlington Hall, and why his mother might arrive, unless…

She frowned, and then dismissed the idea nearly as soon as it took root. He wasn’t the new heir. To imagine he could entertaintwodukedoms, why that was impossible.

Wasn’t it?

Olivia entered the foyer to find a footman waiting for her. She handed over her cloak with a shiver. “Do you know when the Duke of Gravesend might return?” she asked.

For a moment, he stilled, as if he was scared to answer, and then he replied noncommittally, “Why would you think the duke is here, my lady?”

She laughed, wondering if perhaps she had gone mad. “I just spoke to the messenger from London. He confirmed he had just gone out for a ride. So, I shall ask again. Do you know when he might return?”

He blanched, the color receding from his face. “The only person that left the house, my lady, was Mr. Stone and I can’t say when he’ll return.” He offered a quick bow and then he hastily walked away, leaving Olivia more confused than ever.
