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If there had been a thunderstorm present, this is where Miles knew the lightning would have flashed and the thunder would have rolled. The fury that passed across her face made him realize how wrong he had been not to tell her who he was from the beginning, because he knew that deep down, there was pain mixing in that anger as well. She was just doing her best to hide it from him, but it would come. Of that, he had no doubt.

She slowly shook her head, her expression filling with one of disgust. “All this time,” she whispered. “I confided some of my deepest fears and secrets to you, believing that you were my friend, someone I couldtrust.”

Her accusations cut him to the quick, but he pushed them aside. “I would still like to be your friend, Lady Olivia.”

“No!” She pointed a finger at him in accusation. “You don’t get to say things like that to me and expect me to believe that they are sincere. Nothing you have ever done has been that way. I wish you would have just let me drown in that river.”

She spun around on her mount and started to return to the estate in the same reckless manner as earlier. Miles took off right after her, because there was no way in hell that he would allow things to stand like this between them. She could hate him and call him every horrible name she could imagine, but he would not allow her to think her death would have ever been a choice. One other day had caused his heart to stop with such fear, and it wasn’t when he’d been cut down in battle, but when he’d lost Marian.

She was the foolish one if she thought he wouldn’t react to that and just let it pass.

* * *

Olivia dismountedand tossed the reins to the waiting groom. He caught the leather straps with a blink of surprise, but she ignored him as she started walking hastily toward the manner. Her fists clenched in her gloves when she saw Mr. Stone—correction,the Duke of Gravesend and Marlington—come barreling around the corner of the stables a moment later. She ignored him, for once she reached her chamber, she could shut him out for the remainder of the day, perhaps the rest of her life. She was determined that she would rot in that room if it meant she didn’t have to set eyes on him again.


She snorted, for she noted that he had dropped theladyhonorific when he addressed her. But then, he was the superior one now, while she was just a helpless female who would be dependent onhischarity. Granted, she had her trust from her father, and her dowry that was set aside upon her marriage, but that didn’t help her when it came to the estate she loved so much. She might have grown up here, buthewas the one who was in charge now. His word was all that mattered in the face of English law and that fact infuriated her even more.

She didn’t pause in her steps but opened the door and strode inside purposefully. She was halfway up the stairs when she heard that raspy voice call out to her again with more urgency than before. “Olivia!”

In reply, she lifted her skirts and sprinted up the last of the steps and took off running down the hall. Salvation was almost within her grasp. She could see the handle of her door and she focused on that, even when she heard the pounding footsteps behind her starting to close in.

She didn’t look behind her as she fled into her room and shut the door behind her. Unfortunately, it didn’t close with that satisfying slam she’d been expecting, because there was a booted, male foot wedged in the doorway preventing it from closing all the way.

She huffed in frustration and used all of her weight to try and force him out. He didn’t budge. “Olivia.” She glared into his fiery, dark eyes, full of as much determination as she had within her breast. “We need to talk.”

“Go to hell,” she spat. “I havenothingto say to you and any explanation you might contrive to convince me to forgive you for this will fall on deaf ears, I assure you, so you might save us both the trouble by leaving me alone!”

Still, he didn’t move. “No.”

They stared at each other for an undermined amount of time, and then Olivia finally threw up her hands in disgust. “Fine.” She walked away from the door, and headed for her sitting room, intent on closing him off there, but he was too fast. He snagged her arm before she was even halfway to freedom.

“Dammit! Would you just listen to me?”

“Ididlisten to you!” she returned hotly. “But what good did it do?”

He shoved a hand through his hair and dislodged the queue that normally held the longer strands in place. It fell around his face and made him appear even more formidable. This made her even more furious, for she didn’t want to be thinking of him in any sort of favorable manner.

“I understand that it was wrong of me to deceive you like I did, but it was foryouthat I withheld the truth.”

“Oh, brilliant!” she returned. “I do so appreciate your sacrifice on my behalf, Your Grace, but please forgive me if I don’t believe that.”

His gaze was hard and direct. “I know you want to make me out to be the scoundrel, and I wouldn’t blame you for I deserve most of your censure, but I truly did want to shield your emotions. I know how much Marlington Hall means to you, so how could I knowingly crush your dreams to return, especially when you didn’t remember who I was?”

She refused to give in or be sympathetic to his supposed plight on her behalf. “So, in essence, I should be grateful that, not only did you perform that gallant rescue in London, but you also saw fit to lie to me so that I wouldn’t be upset. Is that it?”

She could hear his teeth grind together, he was clenching his jaw so tightly. “You’re twisting my words.”

“Yes, I suppose I am,” she admitted. “But I don’t think anyone would believe I was wrong for doing so.”

He released her, some of his own frustration falling away. “I can see there’s nothing that will sway your opinion of me. You’ve made up your mind about my character.”

She crossed her arms. “I told you it was useless.”

He looked at her for a moment, and then he nodded his head, as if coming to some sort of conclusion. “Indeed, my lady. I can see that it is.”

Chapter Thirteen
