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Olivia nodded her head in understanding. It was no doubt a difficult time for everyone involved. Miles, because he had been the victim of such violence, and his mother because she had wanted to ease his pain but couldn’t do so.

“But long before my husband’s demise and my son’s injuries he sustained in battle,” she continued sadly. “Fate played a cruel trick on us all. I’m not sure if my son told you or not, but he had a younger sister. Her name was Marian, and she had the brightest personality, along with the most adoring ebony curls. She was the light of my life until she turned three.” She glanced away and her face was struck with melancholy. “It was a harsh winter that year, but she loved to play in the snow. She was always scampering about and tracking wet footprints through the house.”

Olivia smiled, for it reminded her of Calliope. “She sounds quite adventurous.”

“She was,” the duchess agreed. “Unfortunately, that would be her downfall.” She took a deep breath. “One morning the nurse told us that she couldn’t find Marian, that she had slipped out of the nursery when she was supposed to be taking a nap. Apparently, the lady had been doing the same. We searched for her tirelessly, and even scoured the grounds, but it was Miles who eventually found her.” Her voice caught. “She had fallen through the ice in the pond and… drowned.”

Olivia put a hand to her mouth to hold in a gasp. “How dreadful,” she whispered.

“I shall never forget the sight of him, dripping wet and carrying her limp body across that field, nor how blue her skin appeared.” She shook her head and reached for her tea. She took a sip and was more composed when she turned her gaze back to Olivia. “Miles has always blamed himself for that day because he said she was still alive when he saw her flailing in the pond, but he couldn’t get to her quickly enough to save her. I daresay he did everything he could, and nearly lost his own life in the effort, for he was struck with a fever soon afterward.”

Olivia’s heart broke for him. “How old was he?”

“Nearly eleven.” She offered a slight smile. “But although he survived, I fear her death has weighed on him quite heavily through the years, and continues to do so, which is why he is always so hesitant to care for anyone.” She reached out and clasped Olivia’s hand. “It’s why I’m so thankful that he has you, as I feel he can finally allow himself to heal.”

Olivia wasn’t sure how she might get on with the duchess, especially when they were discussing the upcoming nuptials. But since she had trusted her with such a sorrowful tale, Olivia’s first impression of the lady had drastically altered. She realized now that the duchess was merely doing her best to keep her foothold in society when so many things had threatened to drag her down into the mire over the years.

The least Olivia could do was compromise and make a few sacrifices of her own, and although she would have liked to wear one of her mother’s dresses to exchange her vows, the fact that the duchess didn’t get the joy of seeing her daughter wear one of her dresses made her relent her previous decision.

“I have changed my mind about wearing your wedding ring,” she announced. “If the offer still stands, it shall be my honor to do so.”

The duchess tilted her head to the side. “Are you quite sure? Perhaps you might wish to choose your own in London?”

Olivia shook her head. “There will be no need. It’s time for all of us to heal and move past the regrets of our past.”

* * *

Miles shiftedin the saddle and slowed his horse to a walk. It had been a ruthless journey to London in the cold, but at least the snow had held off and the gas lamps of the city were finally coming into view. At least he wasn’t the only one suffering at the moment, which made his own discomfort a bit easier to bear.

“I really can’t understand why I willingly offered to join you, Gravesend.” The Earl of Somers lifted a brow where he rode beside him. “Or should I start calling you Marlington?”

Miles winced, although it had nothing to do with his aching backside. “How about you just call me Miles? We shall soon be wed to sisters, so I should think that gives us the right to drop the proprieties.”

The earl chuckled. “I suppose you are right on that score,” he returned. “Then I insist you call me, Grey.”

Miles inclined his head.

“So, what is the plan once we reach London?” Grey asked.

Miles recounted the conversation he’d had with his mother the night before his departure. “All of my things should be loaded into a trunk and ready to go when we arrive at the Gravesend townhouse. She ensured that things were prepared before she’d traveled to Marlington Hall on the hunch that it might be needed.”

Grey lifted a brow. “How very intuitive of her to assume that you were about to be married.”

“I warned her Lady Olivia was at the estate, so she likely felt she had good reason to make the necessary preparations.” His brow furrowed. “Now all I have to do is present my request to the archbishop and return with the special license.”

“At least we shall have the comfort of a tufted carriage seat on our return,” Grey noted with a touch of relief. “I daresay my backside will thank me.”

“Indeed,” Miles chuckled. He turned to the earl. “So, why did you choose to join me? Do you have an ulterior motive of your own?”

Grey smiled broadly. “Nothing gets by you, does it?” he teased. “Since you were going to visit the archbishop anyway, I thought I might plead my case and hope that he might be in a charitable mood to bestow two of them.”

Miles lifted a brow. “Are you intending for us to have a double wedding?”

“I wouldn’t be so presumptuous,” Grey intoned. “Although I don’t intend to wait much longer before I secure Araminta’s hand. I’m afraid that she might realize what a scoundrel I truly am and regret her decision to marry me.”

Miles couldn’t help but laugh in return. “To hear any woman of thetonspeak, all gentlemen are rakes in sheep’s clothing.”

“Exactly my point!” Grey snapped his fingers. “We must snap up our ladies before they realize what an error they are making!”
