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“I was hoping that you might have reconsidered your decision to marry me.”

Olivia hadn’t been expecting that, but of course, it only made sense. He had taken her virtue and honor demanded that he do the right thing. It was obvious she couldn’t resist him, but even so, she hesitated.

He exhaled heavily, as if there was a burden that weighed on his mind. “I wanted to have more time to woo you properly…” He shoved a hand through his hair. “But I’m afraid there is a larger issue at risk, other than a courtship.” He held out a paper that had gone unnoticed until then.

She frowned curiously at the print until she opened it and glanced at the article on the very front page.

The Duke of Marlington’s daughters have made a splash in London already and the Season has yet to begin. But whereas the Bevelstroke sisters may each be a diamond of the first water, it is not without the threat of scandal looming at their front door in Mayfair. While Lady A- might have found a good match with Lord S-, shadow has been cast upon the youngest member of the family. Lady O- was spied leaving a scandalous masquerade ball in Vauxhall just last evening with an unknown gentleman, but that is not all! It is of the opinion that she has been absent from society since the night of the Gravesend ball. If this is true, where has she been hiding all this time? Perhaps in the company of the same mysterious stranger?

Olivia fingers tightened, and the paper crumpled slightly.Gossip.She had never been able to tolerate the appeal of reading about other people’s misery. She yearned to throw the offending piece into the street where it would be shredded among the horses’ hooves and the cobblestones, but she knew that wouldn’t solve anything.

The damage was already done.

The only one of her sisters to eschew polite society, she had managed the impossible and dared to smear the Bevelstroke name. If she didn’t make things right, there was a good chance that speculation would also be cast upon Calliope and Isadora’s character. Since they were still hoping to make it in society as independent women of means without the strictures of marriage, she needed to do what she could to clear up this mess.

“As you might have determined, it is best if we act quickly—”

“I agree,” she interrupted. She looked at him. “It is best for everyone involved if we take care of matters as soon as possible. It will certainly be better for my sisters.”

He inclined his head. “I appreciate your willingness. If there was any other way that we might postpone—”

“All is well, Your Grace,” she interrupted. “You are not at fault. It is I who should have had more care for my sisters. I know society is able to ferret out even the smallest possible indiscretions.”

Dear Lord, was she really having this conversation right now when she was feeling so exposed? Not only was she sitting in the duke’s bed without a stitch of clothing on, a duvet all that separated her from his wandering eyes, but after last night, her emotions were raw. While she hadn’t been expecting a grand declaration of love this morning, nor to wake up wrapped in his arms—actually, that was a lie. That’s what shehadexpected, or hoped for, at least. If that had happened, then she might have had the courage to express her love for him. As it stood, it sounded as though he was renewing his earlier sentiments of marriage as a semblance of duty when she had thought he felt more.

He hesitated, as if he wished to say something else, and she silently urged him to do so, but instead, he said, “I’ll send your maid back in to tend to you and instruct a footman to fetch the vicar.” And then he was gone.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“You look beautiful, Livy.” Olivia turned to face Araminta, who was standing in her room at the Marlington townhouse with her eyes full of moisture and her hands up to her mouth, presumably to hold back more tears. She had recently arrived with Lord Somers and the Duchess of Gravesend after Viscount Rundale had departed Marlington Hall with his errant daughter.

“I wish Papa was here to see you,” Calliope said on the other side of Minty, her voice strained. “You look enchanting. He would be so proud.”

Even Isadora, who was always so firm with her emotions looked as though she wanted to burst into tears. However, her voice was strong and sure when she said, “You are a true Bevelstroke lady, and I know you will make a fine duchess. I wish you and the duke many happy years together, as well as a lovely family.”

At the mention of children, Olivia had a momentary flutter of anxiousness, as her insecurities surrounding a healthy birth were still a real threat in her mind, but she shoved those nerves aside and focused on her sisters. They were all so similar, and yet, different in many ways. She knew that they would always be close, but time would change things. It was already altering, because she was standing before them all, dressed in a light blue satin gown, about to become a duchess. The youthful ties she had carried with her sisters would fade into the background, while she started a new life with her husband. However, the bonds of blood would still remain forever close to her heart.

Her vision became blurry, and she inhaled deeply, in order to keep her composure. As a knock interrupted them, she saw Lord Somers poke his head around the frame. “Are you ready?” He winked at her. “I know someone downstairs is quite eager to begin.”

Olivia tried to summon the proper enthusiasm, but the doubts that continuously plagued her tried to return to dampen the happy occasion.

“We’ll see you soon, dearest.” Araminta squeezed her hand as she left the room, Callie and Isa trailing behind her.

The earl remained behind as an honorary male member of the family as Minty’s affianced. Olivia decided that if anyone might have been worthy enough to take her father’s place on this day, it would be Grey. Not only was he a gentleman, but she knew he would treat her sister well, as every time he looked at Minty it was obvious that he loved her deeply.

He was also quite dashing on this day. His black hair caught the light coming in through the window and gave it a slight tinge that matched his piercing, blue eyes. His clothes weren’t formal, but the chocolate and caramel shades were tailored to fit him perfectly.

He walked toward her and bowed. “Lady Olivia, I hope you won’t think it impertinent of me to ask a favor…” He paused and blew out a heavy breath. “Never mind. I shouldn’t wish to steal anything from you on this joyous occasion.”

Olivia laughed. “You can’t possibly leave it at that! My curiosity will be burning for satisfaction.”

His lips quirked upward. “In that respect, I had entertained a brief thought since the vicar was already here…” He explained his intentions and Olivia’s smile widened.

“Of course, I do not mind! I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

He winced slightly, although there was hope shining in his gaze. “Truly?” He reached around and rubbed the back of his neck uncertainly.

“Yes,” she returned emphatically. “In fact, nothing would make me happier. It is the best gift I could have asked for.”
