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“Because I was hoping that it would make you remember me, but most of all, that you would start to appreciate the cold, rather than despair of its arrival each year. I wanted you to see that there can be something quite remarkable to be found, even in the dreariest of conditions.”

She smiled. “That is very poetic of you, Your Grace.”

He offered a mock wince and put his hand beneath her chin. “Just don’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t want word to get out that I’m not the dangerous, mad duke that everyone believes I am.”

She wound her arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” After another lingering embrace, she asked, “Shall we allow the vicar to do his job now?”

“God, yes,” he muttered. “The sooner I can call you mine, the better.”

Her focus was abruptly distracted by his hand. She tapped a finger on her neat row of stitching. “But first, why don’t we remove these dreadful things?”

He threw his head back and laughed.

* * *

Olivia noticedthat when they returned to the parlor, the tension was thick, but it immediately dissipated when she arrived wreathed in smiles and holding the duke’s hand. Her color was likely a bit higher as well, and after she had removed the thread from his wound, he had rewarded her quite thoroughly for her efforts.

She walked forward with a lightness in her step that she had never had before. But then, with a man like Miles Stone at her side, it was no wonder.

It didn’t take long for the vows to be exchanged, and when Miles withdrew the ring from his pocket to slide on her finger, she had to gasp at the magnificent ruby surrounded by an array of diamonds. Olivia glanced over at the duchess, who was wearing an expression of relief and pride, and inclined her head in approval. The Gravesend heirloom was so much more than she could have expected, and she was more than happy to wear it, and honor this family and the new chapter in her life as Olivia Stone, Duchess of Gravesend.

Afterward, Olivia murmured to Miles regarding the request that Lord Somers had made earlier, and with a conspiratorial grin they moved to the side of the room while the earl stood and knelt before Araminta. Calliope practically squealed in delight as Isadora patted at her eyes with a handkerchief.

“My love, Araminta. I can’t imagine spending another day without you as my wife. Would you be willing to—”

Grey didn’t even get to finish his statement as Minty threw herself into his embrace. She caught him off balance and they tumbled to the floor amid a wealth of laughter and kisses. Olivia smiled along with them, although she couldn’t help but think of their father as well. As the next couple took their place before the vicar, she realized that Araminta was right. He would have been proud of all of them today, and not just his two daughters that were gaining a husband.

He would have adored the sparkle in Calliope’s green eyes and the curve to Isadora’s lips, because he would have known that this was that perfect moment, where each of his daughters were wonderfully content.

Miles pulled Olivia back against his chest as Minty and Grey took their places before the vicar. Olivia laid her head against his shoulder with a contented sigh. This had truly been the best day she’d had in a long time—perhaps ever.

“I almost regret that this is a double wedding,” her husband whispered in her ear. “It may take more time for me to whisk you away.”

Olivia’s cheeks heated, but her pulse quickened all the same. “We shouldn’t wish to be rude to our guests,” she teased.

“They’refamily,” he countered with a deep growl. “Besides, they will surely understand the need for haste when it comes to consummating our union.” He paused. “Unless, of course, you aren’t as excited about the prospect as I am.”

Olivia glanced around the room to ensure that they weren’t being observed, and then she slowly slid her hand around her back and down to where the bulge was evident beneath his trousers. She stroked his growing length. “What do you think?” she murmured.

He halted her movements with a firm hand on her wrist. “I’m satisfied. Or rather, webothwill be as soon as we can find some time alone.”

Olivia’s breathing quickened, but the applause around her snapped her back to the present. She clapped with the rest of the attendees and when Araminta walked over to give her a hug, there were tears in her gray eyes. “I’m sorry if Grey’s announcement intruded on your special day, but I couldn’t say no to such an opportune moment!”

“Of course not, Minty,” Olivia grinned. “Besides, your husband was kind enough to ask my permission earlier and I gave him my blessing wholeheartedly.”

Araminta gasped. “You two are nothing but a pair of conspirators!” But then she laughed, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

“The wedding breakfast is served.”

At the servant’s pronouncement, everyone began to file into the dining hall, but Miles clasped Olivia’s hand and pulled her into a secluded alcove. “Miles! What—?”

She was silenced with a kiss that curled her toes in her slippers. She wound her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. But when she was about to lose herself completely, he pulled back with a scandalous wink. “I would say that makes us even.”

As he turned on his heel, she gasped in mock outrage, but gathered her skirts and followed after him.


Three months later
