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She angled her head to the side. “Why were you so incorrigible?”

“Trust me, I wasn’t alone in my exploits.” He offered her a sly wink. “I know you think a lot of Lord Somers, since he’s married to your sister, but I can assure you, we used to make quite a bit of mischief in London.”

Her lips twitched and there was a decided sparkle in her gaze. “I suppose I can’t say anything. Minty and Isa used to get so angry at me for escaping our governess and sneaking away to climb trees. I daresay the outdoors held more fascination than it did being trapped in a stuffy nursery practicing my letters.”

“I’m not sure I can picture you as such a hoyden, Lady Calliope,” he murmured.

She laughed and the sound shot straight to his groin. “Then I fear you do not know me at all, as I was quite an undomesticated lady.” She scrunched up her nose, which he thought was rather appealing. “As I got older, I took extra care not to injure my gowns, as I found a certain appreciation for silks and satins. In London, I have also gained the beauty sleep that I was generally denied in the country.”

“Now that, I do believe.” His eyes warmed on her lovely face, and she had the grace to blush slightly.

However, that didn’t keep her from chiding him as well. “There is the deadly charm that I was warned away from.”

He frowned. “From whom?”

“It doesn’t matter, because I feel there was good reason for the caution.”

He sighed. “Condemned before the trial, is that it?”

She didn’t reply, but he knew the answer. It was written clearly on her face. He narrowed his gaze slightly. “And here I thought you weren’t the type of woman who paid attention to idle gossip.”

“In point of fact, I fear I must. I peruse the scandal sheets in order to preserve the Bevelstroke name.” She winced. “It was nearly besmirched by the actions of my younger sister. Thank goodness the Duke of Gravesend is an honorable man and he loves Livy, or Isa and I might have endured more difficult times as unmarried women hoping to make our mark in a man’s world.”

“Yet here you are.” He adopted a lazy grin. “As for me, it’s a good thing I’ve recently been regarded as quite a catch. Most of the matrons in London claim it to be so. Naturally, they can’t be wrong.”

“Naturally,” she teased in return. Although his muscles were starting to burn from carrying her such a distance, suddenly the entire day became brighter than before, his energy restored.

Other than the throbbing in her ankle, Calliope had to admit that she hadn’t enjoyed such a civil conversation with Lord Blakely. She’d known him for months, but in London, he was a thorough rake. But here, in this sleepy, little village, he was starting to exhibit a different side to him that she found she liked very much.

Of course, that could be dangerous. She didn’t want her heart to become engaged with anyone, and to allow herself to fall for the viscount would be disastrous indeed. The truth was, he would always be the mischievous young man about town, just as she would continue to be the same, daring girl on the inside. A match that would surely end in heartbreak.

And yet…

When she’d injured herself, the viscount had been there to see to her needs. It had been quite… nice. For so long, Calliope hadn’t been able to lean on anyone else. When she’d been younger, Isadora was generally assisting their father in his study, while Araminta tended to hover about Olivia. It left Calliope to her own devices, and why she had tended to get into more trouble than her sisters. However, being alone had taught her how to do most things on her own. She loved the idea of independence.

But she had also enjoyed being held in Viscount Blakely’s arms. He was strong and virile, and it made her yearn to snuggle down deeper into his warmth. Unfortunately, she hadn’t removed herself to this quiet town of Lyme Regis just to embark on a scandalous affair. She had every intention in finding something remarkable to take back to London. From there, she might even make her way to Egypt and explore the pyramids and the ancient tombs of the Pharaohs. The world was hers for the taking and she couldn’t let anything—or anyone—alter her from that course. Or else, what was the point? How might women become anything other than the adornment on a man’s arm unless they could prove themselves otherwise? It wasn’t fair that one had to be considered male to be of any worth. Wasn’t it the female of any species that brought new life into the world? And yet, they were ignored and told to behave and dress in a certain manner, while men could do whatever they pleased without the threat of repercussion.

“You’ve become rather quiet.”

Calliope glanced at Lord Blakely, his face so close to her own. She had nearly made a terrible mistake by allowing herself to kiss him earlier. If she were to focus on her future plans, she must remember that he was nothing more than a friendly acquaintance. Even flirting was out of the question, because it could lead to more. In time, she was confident that this sudden fascination would fade.

They were near the Cobb, the wall that surrounded the main section of the village, so she announced, “I think I’m fine to walk from here.”

He paused, as if he might argue, but then he reluctantly set her on her feet.

She tested her weight on her ankle and was pleasantly surprised to find that, other than a slight twinge, it was much improved. She glanced at him. “I think it’s better.”

He smiled. “That’s a relief.”

She pushed aside the fact that he had particularly nice teeth and extended a hand to him. He looked at her curiously. “I believe this is the way the Americans seal a pact,” she explained.

He accepted her offering, but instead of immediately releasing her, he held her hand in his. “And what sort of pact are we making?”

She straightened. “I propose a truce. If you cease with your ridiculous flirtation, I won’t attempt to avoid you when we are in the same vicinity.”

“I see.” He appeared to considered this, and then he shook their clasped hands. She told herself that she didn’t thrill at the contact. “I think I can agree to that.” He let his hand fall back to his side, although she noted his fingers flexed. She could almost feel the same motion, as if they were still connected.

She clasped her hands behind her. “Will you be here tomorrow?” she asked, not sure why she was suddenly reluctant to leave his side.

He inclined his head. “I will.” His eyes warmed slightly, and then he glanced back over the cliffs. “Something tells me there’s amazing treasure out here somewhere, just waiting to be explored.”

“I think you may be right,” she concurred. When he returned his attention to her, she curtsied slightly. “Good day, Lord Blakely.”

She turned and walked away, the pain in her ankle nearly diminished.
