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He moved one of his hands to the nape of her neck, and with the other he cupped her breast through her gown. She sighed against his mouth when he teased the taut nipple through the fabric. Desperate to taste her, he tugged down a corner of her dress and lifted the quivering globe from beneath her bodice. He licked the tip of her breast with his tongue. She slid her hands into his hair and brought him even closer.

She was so responsive that his cock hardened to the point of pain. He lifted his head long enough to whisper in her ear, “Please tell me you aren’t a virgin.”

He nipped at the edge of the delicate shell, and she moaned. “Would you feel better if I said no?”

Sebastian closed his eyes. She was testing all the self-control that he possessed. “Since I refuse to let you remember your first time like a whore in a dingy alley with a rutting boar, I suppose this little tryst will have to wait for another time.” He pulled away from her, and after a longing glance at her perfect breast, he moved away so she could put herself back to rights.

He closed his eyes and waited for an indeterminate amount of time, praying that his unruly cock would settle. By the time he was able to push his passions down to a dull simmer, she announced that she was ready.

He faced her just as she was putting the last pin in her straightened coiffure.

Sebastian reached out and took her hand in his. He brought her knuckles to his mouth for a slow, lingering kiss, and then he reluctantly released her. “If we are to embark on this tete-a-tete, it must be discreet, and I’m not sure Lyme Regis is the right place to conduct an affair of this nature.”

She sighed. “I can’t go back to London. I have yet to discover something amazing to take back to Mr. Bullock, and I’m not sure how I would explain our ‘agreement’ to Isadora.”

He considered the conundrum before them, and the solution came to him like a bolt of lightning. “Meet me at the coast tonight at midnight,” he murmured.

Her lips twitched. “Are you suggesting some sort of rendezvous at the sea?”

He grinned. “I suppose you’ll just have to find out.”

“I do love a good mystery.” She laughed.

He couldn’t resist dragging her into his arms one last time before they parted. After a long embrace that had his cock pulsing urgently once more, he pulled back with a wince. “We should return to the soiree, or else I might forget my promise about dingy alleys.”

With the color high on her cheeks, which only added to her beauty, Calliope departed. It wouldn’t do for them to be seen alone together, especially if someone might have noticed their mutual disappearance. Although Lyme Regis was a friendly town, there weren’t many who looked kindly upon indiscretion of any sort. Scandal was scandal, no matter if it took place in London, or beyond.

When he thought enough time had passed, and with his cock contained once more, Sebastian returned to the assembly rooms.

Calliope was hard pressed to think of much else than her upcoming tryst with Sebastian. It was even more difficult not to keep seeking him out in the midst of the crowd. As it was, whenever they came together during a particular dance, temporarily separated from their current partner, their eyes met and held with the promise of upcoming sensual delights.

By the time she returned to the hotel, her heart was pounding with anticipation. Her maid was about to assist her into her nightdress, but Calliope halted her actions. She had already told herself that she couldn’t leave without telling Emma what she was planning. No doubt the girl wouldn’t approve, but neither did she wish her to worry if she woke and found her mistress had disappeared.

“I’m going to be… heading back out this evening.”

Calliope tried to keep her tone nonchalant, but something in her expression must have given her away, for her maid gave her a hard look. “My lady…”

Calliope waved away her admonishing tone. “Please don’t act like Isa or Minty right now. I don’t need someone telling me that I’m acting rashly. I just need… this.”

Emma sighed. “My cousin thought the same thing. She believed that she could lay with a man without any repercussions. While she was fortunate enough not to have a babe out of wedlock, and was discreet enough where her reputation wasn’t injured, I can’t say the same for her heart. It was broken in two when her lover left.” She shook her head sadly. “I fear that the same thing will happen with the viscount. We both know he was a rake in London and a leopard seldom changes their spots.”

“You can quote scripture all you want,” Calliope said firmly. “My mind is quite set on this course, and I can assure you I will not allow myself to fall for Lord Blakely.”

“Making love is different for men than it is for women.” Her maid attempted one last time to get her to see reason. “For them, it’s about the needs of the body, but it becomes emotional for a lady. It’s the most intimate thing you can do.”

Calliope lifted her chin. “Then it’s a good thing I don’t care much for sentimentality.” Her maid still looked downtrodden, so Calliope reached out and gave her a brief hug. “You mustn’t allow yourself to worry about me. I can take care of myself. I’ve done so for several years. I know when to come out of the water without drowning.”

Emma sighed heavily, but she nodded. “For your sake, my lady, I hope that you do.”

When Calliope left a short time later, wearing her dark green pelisse and bonnet, she made use of the back stairs of the hotel. She held her breath until she was outside, grateful that she didn’t pass anyone on her way out. It might have been difficult to explain her nocturnal actions if so.

She kept as close to the cliffs as much as she could, so that her dark clothing might blend into the shadows around her. She couldn’t make out Sebastian’s form just yet, so she kept walking, until the dim lights of the village had completely faded from view.

Just as she passed a large boulder near the ammonite pavement, she was grabbed from behind. A hand was pressed against her mouth to hold back any scream, but since she was confident she knew who her assailant was, she was able to calm her racing pulse and remain silent.

His palm gently eased away, and she turned around to find the viscount’s sandy blond hair shining by the light of the moon. His dark eyes were equally compelling as he took her hand and led her over to where his greatcoat was lying on the sand. He was dressed casually in his shirt and trousers, his boots already discarded and sitting nearby.

“I couldn’t wait for you to get here.” He lifted her hand to his mouth for a brief kiss on her knuckles. Then he released her and started to undo the buttons on his trousers.
