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Chapter Twenty-Three

Sebastian was sitting in the front parlor with Isadora, when he heard the front door open. While they had been having a friendly chat about the weather, there was only so much possible rain that one could discuss. He supposed they could have talked about Calliope, but it seemed as though a silent, mutual agreement had passed between them about that subject as neither of them were inclined to cross that boundary.

As Calliope walked into the room, he got to his feet immediately. However, he could tell at first glance that something was amiss. She looked so upset that he took a step toward her, but she shook her head and he stopped.

He waited while she spoke quietly to her sister. Isadora glanced at her in a concerned manner but inclined her head and quit the room.

Once they were alone, Calliope sighed heavily. “I apologize for not being here when you arrived—”

“I was early,” he returned softly.

She nodded, and then sank down into a nearby chair and put her head in her hands. Sebastian took a seat across from her and clasped his hands together before him. “What’s wrong, Calliope?”

She sat up reluctantly and faced him, her face drawn and her eyes dewy with emotion. “I paid a call on Lord Abersheen this morning.”

Sebastian uttered a curse. “I could have told you that wasn’t going to end well.”

A slight furrow appeared between her brows. “It needed to be done.” She glanced down at her gown and slid the material between her thumb and forefinger. “I learned quite a lot.”

“I imagine you did,” he murmured dryly. “My grandfather doesn’t hold back his thoughts or opinions.”

“No, he doesn’t,” she agreed. “But in this instance, I’m glad he didn’t.” She glanced at him. “He told me about your parents.”

Sebastian’s throat worked as he tried to swallow. “It was a difficult time for him,” he admitted. “As it was for me.”

“I can certainly understand that,” she returned, and then she tilted her head to the side. “Did you know that your mother almost married the Duke of Marlington?”

Sebastian stilled. “No. I did not.”

Her expression became grim, and something told him that he wouldn’t like what she had to say next. “The marquess told me that my father was courting Elizabeth when he suddenly broke things off and offered for Isadora’s mother. He said it devastated his daughter so much that she married Thomas out of convenience, but she wasn’t happy in the union, which was the reason she took a lover.” She hesitated. “He blames the duke for her death.”

Sebastian jaw hardened. “That’s ridiculous.” Suddenly restless, he got up and paced over to the mantel. “The old man is grasping at straws now. He’s doing everything within his power to ensure that I become just like him, a lonely old, martyr intent on making everyone as miserable as he is.”

“I used to think so too, but maybe he isn’t wrong after all.”

Sebastian strode back over to her and knelt down. Grasping her upper arms, it was all he could do not to shake some sense back into her. “Do you hear yourself? Manipulation is what he does best. I’ve listened to his mad ravings all my life, but I won’t let him devour you too. He doesn’t want us to be together, not because of some misguided sense of honor toward his daughter, but because he wants control of everything. He couldn’t control my mother, so he’s using you against me.” He shook his head. “I used to think his antics were amusing, but I see him for what he is now. I’m done playing his games, Calliope. If he can’t accept that I want to start a life with you, then it appears we are at an impasse.”

“You can’t forsake him, Sebastian,” she whispered. “He’s all the family you have, and I can’t come between that.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

“It doesn’t matter if you do or not. I can’t come between family. I know I shouldn’t like it if that happened with my sisters. Whether or not you feel he deserves to be recognized right now, there will come a time when you regret having to choose between us. You might even despise me for it.” She pushed away from him and got to her feet. Hugging herself, she put her back to him.

Sebastian stared at her. He could tell that she was crying by the quiet sniffle he heard now and then. Finally, he got to his feet. “That’s it then? You decide you’re going to become the martyr and end things? What if I don’t agree?”

“Don’t make this more difficult,” she choked out. “Just go, Sebastian. Please.”

She sounded so tortured, that his chest clenched. He moved closer but didn’t touch her. Nevertheless, she tensed, and that simple action was like an arrow straight to his soul. “Goodbye, Calliope.”

He waited, hoping that she would see sense and turn back to him.

She didn’t.

He turned on his heel and walked out the front door.

Calliope was an absolute mess. When Sebastian left, she crumpled to the floor in a dejected heap. It was truly over now. Although he didn’t seem to accept it, she felt confident that he would in time.

A gentle hand touched her shoulder and she started. She hadn’t heard Isadora return. She turned her head and looked into her sister’s empathetic gray eyes. “I hate this, Isa, because I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose Sebastian, but I can’t carry the weight… the guilt if he breaks ties with the marquess. And to be honest, I just don’t know if what I feel for him is strong enough to last. The marquess told me that Father had intended to marry his daughter before he wed your mother.” She stared at the floor. “It makes me wonder now if he even knew what love was. I just wish I knew the truth.”
