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His grandfather’s face turned red, and he was almost thankful for the bloom of color. “My Elizabeth would still be alive if he’d only married her as he’d promised!”

Sebastian didn’t want to upset him any further, but this was one subject he couldn’t relent on. “From what I understand, he didn’t promise her anything. He only courted her. And what I’ve gathered over the years is that my mother liked to imagine she was in love quite frequently. If the duke would have married her, there is no guarantee that things wouldn’t have ended up the same way.” He glanced down at the floor, assailed by his own past. “I thought I was in love before too, with Sabine. But you already knew that. However, when she married another, I realized that I wasn’t as broken about her betrayal as I should have been.” He looked back at the marquess. “But I can guarantee you that if Calliope were to end things between us, I might never recover. I love her in ways you obviously can’t understand, or perhaps it’s that you don’t want to.” He paused to gather his words. “I don’t want to be at odds with you over Calliope, nor do I want to have to choose between you, because I fear you wouldn’t like the outcome should it come to that. You are the last of my blood relations, and I would like nothing more than your blessing, but if that is not possible, then it’s best that you tell me now, so that I don’t have to remain here and lament that fact as I watch you fade from this earth.”

As Sebastian fell silent, he waited anxiously for his grandfather to speak. For a long time, he sat there, while the marquess kept his lips pursed tightly shut. He was starting to wonder if he was fighting a losing battle. Surely something he said might have broken through that tough exterior and reached the beating heart of the man beneath. Sebastian knew he was there somewhere, he just had to set him free from so many years of bitterness and grief that he’d kept locked inside.

Finally, that gaze shifted to him. Although he looked just as pale and weary as before, there was life shining in those glittering, wise eyes. “You always were proficient in negotiations when it came to your advantage, boy. And that gel of yours seems to have the same annoying qualities.” For the first time since Sebastian had known him, which was all his life, he had never seen his grandfather smile. Not once. But before his very eyes, those lips curved slightly upward, as if they were a rusty hinge unfamiliar with the sensation. “Welcome her to the family.”

Calliope hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but now that the excitement was over, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. When she was awoken with a kiss, she started, for it took a moment for her brain to catch up to her surroundings. When she saw Sebastian in front of her, she smiled sleepily and straightened her slouched position on the sofa. “I didn’t mean to doze off.”

He knelt beside her with a gentle smile. “You don’t have to apologize for being tired.”

She stifled a yawn. “How is the marquess?”

“Very well, actually,” Sebastian murmured. “His usual, pleasant self.”

She winced. “Oh, dear. But perhaps that’s a good thing?”

“It is.” He took her hand in his and kissed the back of her knuckles. “I daresay I could lie down and sleep for days, but I need to be alone with you, Callie.” Her heart jumped at the sound of her nickname. “Tomorrow I’m going to see Dr. Haimlin and see what he can do for my grandfather, but for now, I just need to be with you.”

The last of her weariness quickly faded, as she said breathlessly, “All right.”

He stood and held out a hand to her. Once he had her in his grasp, he brought her against him and kissed her soundly. She was trembling with need by the time he pulled away.

He trailed a light finger down her cheek. “My dear, you’re going to know what it’s like to be truly loved all night long. I hope you’re up for the challenge.”

She lifted a brow. “I daresay I am curious what it might be like in a proper bed.”

His eyes were smoky. “Then let’s not waste any more precious time.”

He led her out of the house, and then drew her onto his lap once they were settled into the carriage.

“Where are we going?” she asked, excitement coursing through every nerve ending.

“My townhouse,” he whispered next to her ear, while nibbling lightly on her sensitive lobe. She sighed in contentment, but when he lifted his palm and began to toy with the erect nipple of her breast, it turned into a moan. “If only this carriage could go faster,” he mumbled. “I can’t wait to have your glorious naked body beneath me.”

Calliope merely nodded. The anticipation of pleasure was so wonderful that she couldn’t speak.

“You were all I thought about on the way back here,” he murmured huskily, his hand starting to travel up her skirts. “But I wasn’t sure I could devote my full attention to you until I knew everything was going to be all right.”

Calliope stilled the moment his finger brushed against her burning core. She shifted position, to gain better access to that delightful pressure. It eased the ache inside of her, because she knew what it would lead to. Her hips began to move of their own volition, mimicking the first night he’d teased her in the water along the beach at Lyme Regis. While the sensation was different now, it was no less intoxicating. If anything, her senses were more heightened.

She clutched on to Sebastian’s shoulders as the first wave of her orgasm struck. It flowed through her like a turbulent wave, until she was drowning in the aftermath.

The shivers subsided as the carriage rumbled to a stop.

“Perfect timing,” he said as he guided her out of the carriage. Her knees were shaking, her entire equilibrium altered. However, she had no trouble keeping up with Sebastian as he unlocked the door and led her inside of his lodgings.

She glanced around the dark interior. “Where are all of your servants?”

He turned to her and cupped her face in his hands. “I wrote ahead with instructions that they didn’t need to wait up.” This kiss was slow, steady, and sure. “I wanted to ensure that we weren’t disturbed.”

With that, he lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs.
