Page 45 of Captured

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“Lilly Darling, I'm so fucking in love with you it hurts. I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you buck ass naked in that shower, singingGet Off My Dick.” He chuckles, and his cheeks have an adorable pink flush to them.

I'm speechless. I mean, I knew he felt strongly about me, but I had no idea that he feltthisstrongly.

“I fucking love everything about you. I love your fierceness, your bravery; I mean, shit, you’ve taken us on, and that is not something for the fainthearted. I fucking love your quirky style and the way you come all over my dick.” He smirks, thrusting his hips, rubbing my pussy with said dick, and my eyes flutter with the contact. “I know it's too soon, and we've only known each other for a few weeks, but this life is too fucking short not to grab it by the balls. So, there it is. I. Fucking. Love. You.”

And without giving me a chance to think, let alone answer, he slams his lips against mine in a searing kiss. It's red hot, full of all the love he just spoke about. It fills me up from the inside out until I'm overflowing, and I can’t help squirming against him, seeking more. His tongue dominates mine, stroking my own in a way that leaves me burning.

He breaks the kiss and sits up, ripping his grey t-shirt off over his head, and tossing it to the floor. He's so beautiful, his chiseled abs, chest, and that gorgeous adonis belt, all covered in beautiful ink.

His bright green eyes take me in with a look of awe, like he can't believe how lucky he is.

“Loki...” I start, not knowing what I want to say, but feeling ready to burst with everything that’s swirling inside of me, combined with the desperate need I always feel for him. He chases the darkness away, makes me feel more alive than I ever have before.

He reaches past me, opening his bedside drawer, and grabbing a condom before straightening up. I watch him, filled with sweet anticipation, as he pushes down his sweats one handed, whilst he opens the packet using his teeth, then rolls the condom on and throws the packet away. He leans over me once more, capturing my lips in another scalding kiss, the tip of his dick is teasing my slick entrance, his piercing driving me crazy.

My legs come up round his waist as he surges forward inside of me, his lips not relinquishing my mouth for a second. I bring my hands up, raking my nails through his hair, grabbing fistfuls of the fiery auburn locks as he bottoms out, our pelvises meeting. It feels so fucking good, almost too good, having him buried to the hilt within me.

And he's right. It may have only been a few short weeks but this...this connection we have is the stuff of fucking fairytales.

I groan loudly as he starts to slowly move his hips, his piercing rubbing my inner walls in a deliciously maddening way. He finally relinquishes my lips to rest his forehead against mine, breathing in my air, until I've no idea whose breath is whose.

His hips undulate in a slow, provoking motion, like he needs to prolong this sweet torture for as long as possible. I can feel wave upon wave of pleasure roll through and over me until I'm lit up like a fucking Christmas tree.

“Jesus, Lilly. Your cunt was made to grip my dick,” he rasps, his fingers interlocking with mine and bringing my hands above my head, holding them there. I love his dirty talk, it always winds me tighter, driving me higher.

He picks up the pace, grinding his pubic bone into my clit every damn time his hips meet mine, sending shockwaves of exquisite sensation over my entire body.

Suddenly, he kneels up, taking my hips with him so that he's holding my lower end up off the bed as he pounds into me. The new angle allows him to go deeper, hitting my g-spot hard until I'm gasping, moaning out his name.

“Loki...” I feel the tingle of my impending orgasm begin to build in my core. “Loki…” I breathe out again, needing to tell him before the light of my orgasm bursts over me.

“Yes, Lilly, my love?” Loki asks, a bead of sweat slowly dripping down his temple as he picks up the pace even more, starting to thrust deeper and harder. His emerald eyes catch onto mine, boring into me, searing my soul, and branding it with his love.

“I. Fucking. Love. You,” I gasp out, just as the intense wave of my release crashes over me, pulling me under, my fingers gripping the sheets tightly as I come, squirting liquid all over him.

His pace turns jerky, and he roars out his own climax, his whole body going rigid before he collapses heavily on top of me, pulling out.

I can feel his pounding heartbeat begin to slow as we lie that way, feeling the world turn as we bask in each others’ light. My eyelids become heavy and start to droop when I feel him shift us, rolling onto his back, pulling me to him so my head is resting on his firm chest.

“I fucking love you too, Lilly.” I hear him whisper, right before darkness washes over me once more, and I drift away on the steady rhythm of his heart that belongs to me.

Chapter Fifteen


Thankfully, the guys don't have any more jobs from their families’ company, Black Knight Corporation. The nickname, The Black Knights, that the other students have given them makes a lot more sense now.

I asked Kai what it was called so that I could look them up, which I did one evening. Black Knight Corporation pretty much have fingers in every pie, from pharmaceuticals to security, import and export to tech and lots in between. It's worth billions, and I now understand why the guys are so revered here. They’re basically worth the GDP of a small country, hell maybe even a big country!

I can’t help but look at them slightly differently. They are going to be world leaders one day.

A few days later, Loki and I are sitting on one of the sofas, snuggling in front of a roaring fire. He’s wearing an open Hawaiian shirt, which allows me to run my hands up and down his torso. He’s literally purring, like a big jungle cat. It’s been a week of intense classes, they don’t hang about here, wanting us all to ‘be our best possible selves’ or some shit like that. Each subject is full on from the get go.

Kai is on one of the other sofas, tapping away at something on his tablet, a look of concentration on his face.

“Fuck!” he suddenly shouts, making me jump in Loki’s arms, and breaking the spell the fire and his warm body had cast on me.

“What’s wrong, Kai?” I ask, concerned. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him swear before.
