Page 83 of Captured

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It's a kiss that defies the ages, full of pain and longing and despair. But also hope, and something so sweet and pure, I dare not even think of its name.

I vaguely hear the class whistling and catcalling as Mrs Jones clears her throat loudly.

Ash breaks away, his breathing as heavy as my own, both our chests rising and falling in tandem. He stares into my eyes once more, his grey ones swirling like a storm.

Then, abruptly he lets go of my hand, stands up, his chair scraping across the floor, and strides out of the room.

“Mr Vanderbilt!” I hear Mrs Jones shout, but I'm just frozen with my hand to my burning lips.

* * *

It's the end of the day, and I head to the library, putting off going back to the dorm, especially after what happened with Ash this morning. I want to make amends, to make things right between us. But I don’t know how, so I take the coward’s route and postpone the inevitable.

I study for hours, the library empty and the windows dark when I look up bleary-eyed, realising how late it is. I pack my things in my bag and go to head out when I see someone step from the shadows.

For a moment, my heart leaps thinking it's one of the guys, and then I realise it's not. It's that creep, Robert. Goosebumps erupt all over me like a warning, my instincts telling me to get out of there pronto.

“Hi, uh, Robert,” I say, starting to slowly back away, instinctively looking for an escape. The hair on my nape and arms lifts, my stomach rock hard. I have a terrible feeling about this. How long has he been waiting there? How did I not notice?

“Hi, Lilly,” he says back mildly, taking a step towards me, and it’s then that I realise with a sinking feeling he's blocking my easiest way out. “I'm glad I found you,” he adds, still advancing with a predatory grin. I could go round the table, and hopefully, make it before he cuts me off.

“Oh yeah?” I ask as I keep backing away, my heart beginning to pound. I'm clutching my bag in front of me like a shield. I may have to use it as a club if he keeps coming towards me.

“Yeah,” he answers, still smiling. It's a smile full of entitlement and malicious intent. “I thought seeing as how you, Loki, and Jax don’t appear to be an item anymore, we could go for that walk.”

My heart is beating wildly in my chest, like a bird trapped in a room and frantically trying to find a way out, even if it ends up bleeding, beating against a window. My brain is screaming at me to run and run fast.

“Ah, it's kinda late, so maybe another time,” I respond, proud of how firm my voice is even though I’m a quivering mess inside. I finally reach the end of the table and slowly ease around it, all the while keeping eye contact. My shoulders are tight, my body tense as I prepare to flee.

“I was thinking now,” he tells me, dropping the smile, his face reddening and his eyes hard as flint. My heart jumps painfully. “And didn't your whore mother ever teach you it's rude to walk away when someone is talking to you?” he asks viciously as he lunges for me.

I spin on my heel and run in the direction of the door, but I'm too fucking slow. I feel him grab the back of my hair, pulling me back towards him, a scream of pain leaving my lips as he rips some strands clean out of my scalp. I stumble and fall, landing on my spine hard, and knocking my head on the edge of a chair, making stars dance in my vision and my stomach roil.

When my eyesight clears, he's already kneeling on top of me, ripping open my shirtwaister dress, the buttons flying and scattering across the floor as he exposes my navy lacy bra. My hands come up, clawing and trying to bat his own away from me, but he must have hit me hard because I feel so weak and he easily grabs both of my wrists, pinning them above my head in a bruising grip, grinding my bones together.

I make to scream, desperately hoping that someone will hear, when a clammy hand comes over my mouth hard, so that only a muffled sound can be heard.

No. no, no, no. Please, God, no.

“Shut the fuck up, you bitch, and spread your fucking legs!” he snarls, his lips curling and spittle flying.

Biting down hard I taste blood and hear him yelp and curse. His fist suddenly collides with my jaw in a brutal punch that snaps my head to the side and white hot pain bursts across my cheek.

I must blackout for a few seconds because when I come to, he's got my knickers off, and is lowering himself between my spread legs, lining up his repulsive veiny erect dick with my opening. His other hand on my inner thigh is holding me open for him like he has all the right to be there.

Screaming like a fucking banshee, I rake my nails down both sides of his face, taking him by surprise as he rears back. Using his momentary distraction to my advantage, I bring my knee up hard, catching him in the balls, and causing him to roar in pain and roll off me. Getting to my feet unsteadily, my head and face pounding, and my vision wavering, I take off at a run, glad my heels have fallen off at some point.

I leave my bag and all my things behind, not caring what happens in my desperation to escape.

Panicking as I hear him try to follow, relief floods me as I realise that he must get tangled in his trousers, because seconds later a crash and grunt sound behind me and I thank all that is holy for the sensitivity of men’s nuts.

The library is completely empty, as are the hallways, and as I race down them, I start to shiver at all of the what ifs that fill my head. I don’t stop running until I reach our door, pounding on the wood and screaming incoherently.

“Let me in! Please, let me in!” I'm sobbing, tears and snot dripping down my face as I continue my assault on the door.

It suddenly flies open, and I look into Kai's wide eyes, which flash with confusion as he takes me in.

“Lilly…” he says, brows pinched, but that's all I see as I push past him with a whimper, knocking him aside.
