Page 95 of Captured

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It's not that different from what he usually wears, yet it's the small details that make my heart race.

He's wearing his normal tailored to perfection suit, yet this one is a shiny coal black, giving the impression that it has been poured on. He's got a black shirt underneath, the top two buttons undone, which is unheard of for Ash and so damn sexy I feel wetness seep into the crotch of my knickers.

There's an air of decadent debauchery about him tonight, and my heart aches anew at the distance there is now between us. We didn't get as close as I got with the others, but we were on the way before that night during fall break. I just hope it's not too late to get back there.

He opens the door and gestures the guys through, taking hold of my upper arm in a gentle grip as I move to pass him. I look up at him, our eyes meeting. His are filled with such fire, the grey is molten and swirling with emotion.

“‘Did my heart love till now? Foreswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.’”

I'm utterly spellbound, unable to utter so much as a single syllable.

Did he just...? Did Ash just tell me...? No. He was just saying I look nice.

My mind churns with conflicting thoughts, eyes locked with his when he suddenly lets go and walks ahead of me. It's then I notice that on the back of his jacket, a pair of matte black angel wings are printed.

Ah! He's Lucifer tonight,I think. Apt, given the turmoil he's just left me in.

Sighing, I shut our door and head after him.

We walk towards the ballroom, a room I had no idea even existed until I found out about this party. Apparently, it's used for school functions, award ceremonies, and graduation, but not much else.

There was, of course, a design committee for the party, and I heard all about them and their plans during my Interior Design classes. But unfortunately, as Amber Cuntflaps heads it up, I couldn't get involved.

We approach the huge wooden double doors to find two men wearing red velvet jackets, top hats, and white gloves waiting for us. Their faces are painted all white, with dark lines around their eyes and highlighting their cheekbones.

“Welcome,” they say in unison, voices deep yet emotionless.

They open the doors to reveal an extraordinary sight. The room no longer looks like a ballroom, or any kind of room at all. Jewel coloured silks drape across the ceiling and down the walls, creating a tent like appearance.

There are fantastically dressed aerial performers, twirling on hoops and dangling from ribbons. Servers dressed in glittering costumes with ghoulish masks walk around, serving what looks like sparkling cocktails.

There's a DJ on the stage, his body painted to look like an Aztec skeletal demon glowing under ultraviolet light. As we step in, the song quickly changes toHeaven Knowsby The Pretty Reckless. It seems a little too coincidental, and as I look around at the guys, who are either side of me, I see Loki's self-satisfied smirk.

“Loki, did you just get the DJ to play this as we walked in?” I ask, narrowing my eyes, lips twitching.

He full on grins at me, and I can see the excitement bouncing in his eyes. “It's fucking epic, right?!” he says, practically pulling me over as we walk in and head towards the long tables.

They, like the walls, are covered in jewel coloured table cloths, which you can barely see underneath plates groaning with food of every description. There must be every type of canapé here. From sushi rolls, to small pastries, to cut up fruit on tiny kebab sticks. There are small glasses full of colourful desserts, and so many things that I have no idea what most of them are.

The amount of food is obscene, far too much for those in attendance. I shudder at the waste, knowing much of it will be thrown out when the night is over.

The guys descend on the spread, piling plates high whilst I stand there overwhelmed. I feel a warm hand on the small of my back and look to the side to see Kai, his kind eyes looking down at me. He may be the smallest, but he's still got a few inches on me.

“Want me to fix you a plate?” he asks, and I notice Jax and Loki look up and give him a dirty look. It reminds me of the barbecue scene fromGone With the Wind, where they all fight to bring Scarlett O’Hara barbecue, and I smile.

“Do I get to pretend to be Scarlett O’Hara, having all the men fawn over me?” I tease, and his eyes light up as he gets the reference.

“Well, we all know who Rhett would be,” he sighs out as we see Ash stalk over to a round table, sitting in one of the golden chairs, facing the room.

He sits as a king would on his throne, like it's his right and woe betide anyone who dares to question it. Then, the arrogant arsehole that he is, he clicks his fingers at one of the servers who comes hurrying over to deposit a tray of cocktails on the table.

I find myself sighing too. Ash is so beautiful, I used to think that it was a cold hard beauty. Now I know that underneath, he burns with the purest flame. A fire that protects those he loves. His darkness is what helps to keep them safe.

But who keeps him safe?I can't help but wonder.

“Come on, Pretty Girl,” Loki says in his familiar drawl. “Let’s eat so you can grind on me on the dance floor,” he says, winking, and then giving me a lascivious grin for good measure.

Fucking turnip.
