Page 15 of Nyte

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“He’s not mine tobite. As I’ve already told you, Merick,” Haven replied tersely.

“Come now. Surely Thorne wouldn’t mind. Is there anything he denies you?”

Haven’s expression was carved from ice.

Merick continued, “You’re looking a bit peckish. I doubt Thorne will be glad to see you in such a state. Come now. Perhaps we could share him. Just take a little bit. Thorne might even thank me for wetting your palate.”

More and more curious eyes watched now, waiting for Haven’s response.

Sirene stiffened where she sat at Haven’s side. Cy noticed her hand flutter to the weapon at her belt.

“I’m not hungry,” Haven growled. “Unlike you, I’m not so overindulgent that I drink even when I’ve had enough.”

“Have you, though?” The vampyre leaned in, crowding Haven’s space. “None of the cattle were brought to your rooms on the train. And you’re so adamant no one is to drink from the pet so...when’s the last time you fed?”

“You’ve been spying on me?”

“No, not spying. Just...paying attention. I’m worried about you, sweetling. We all are.”

“I don’t need your concern,” Haven said. “I’m more than capable of handling my own feedings. I’m not an infant.”

“Sweet Haven. We just don’t want to see anything happen to you. It would break Thorne’s heart.”

Haven turned away. Cy watched his face, attempting to discern his emotions. He got nothing.

Merick sneered before jumping into another rousing conversation as though the entire exchange hadn’t occurred.

Haven’s expression didn’t move. Cy gazed out the window at the changing landscape. New Avalon, like the rest of Terra, was mostly barren fields and dead grass, trees sparsely populating small pockets of forest. It was a stark reminder of what awaited him. Soon, he would be thrust back into a living hell, surrounded by monsters.

Cy felt Haven’s cool stare, but when he turned to meet it, it had already drifted away.



The driveway ofAlnwyck Castle was lined in cobblestone, stretching on for what felt like miles. The castle itself loomed imposingly in the distance, all brick and dark marble with turrets that rose above the smog. Illuminated by false lights, it was something out of a fairy tale, or perhaps a horror story. As they approached, Cy’s heart pounded in anticipation. What terrors would await him inside?

A slim, formally dressed human female held open the door to their vehicle. Cy blinked seeing her standing alone against the backdrop of the castle, surprised that the Bathorys would allow a human outside on her own. Though it was likely this human had earned her “freedom” by proving her loyalty.

Haven stepped from the vehicle first, tugging Cy along with him. As they passed by the human escort, she inclined her neck, exposing pale skin, a popping vein showcased beneath. “Lord Haven.”

Gritting his teeth, Haven ignored her. He dragged Cy toward the ornate castle doors, Sirene close on their heels.

“Sirene, you’re excused,” Haven snapped without looking at her.

“My Lord?” She stood, staring after him, but Haven pressed forward.

“Don’t follow me.”

She didn’t.

Yet another human greeted them, his handsome face stretched in a sedated smile. He held the door open with a muttered, “Lord Haven,” and a similar extension of the neck. Again, Haven ignored the entreaty, crossing the threshold without looking back.

The halls of Alnwyck Castle were dimly lit with torches, but even so, Cy could barely make out the stone walls, gray and drab like the inside of a crypt. The windows were draped with long velvet curtains that stretched to the ground and blocked out all exterior light. Massive rugs spanned the stone floors, leading up an elaborate winding staircase.

Haven held Cy’s chain in delicate fingers, yanking him along as they mounted the stairs.

Cy realized in a moment of clarity that they were alone. Haven’s guard left behind, no other vampyres trailing in their wake. And Haven was truly, desperately weakened. Clearly thirsty beyond measure.
