Page 41 of Nyte

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Haven nodded.

Fuck, he felt queasy. “Why?”

“He wanted a companion. The boy was his choice. He had the council approve it during their last session.”

“Did Wren...want…?”

“The human wasn’t given a choice.”

“What will happen to him? Will he age?”

Haven shook his head. “An eternity of youth.”

“A curse,” Cy hissed.

“You humans see everything in black and white. There is no gray. You’re the victims, the prey, and we vampyres are the enemy.”

“Is there any other way to see it? How do you see it,Lord Haven?”

“In shades of red.”

A chill ran down Cy’s spine. But still, the thought that Wren was still alive soothed a bit of the ache caused by Summer’s murder. Perhaps he could still help the child. “Can I see him? Wren?”

“Newborn vampyres are the most dangerous. They have no restraint or self-control.” Haven continued forward. “He would try to kill you on sight.”

“But he’s—”

“It doesn’t matter that he’s a child,” Haven snapped. “He’s a vampyre now. The boy you knew is dead.”

Cy shuddered. “I don’t believe that.”

“And what would you know about it? Have you ever known someone who’s undergone the transformation?”

Cy swallowed heavily. “No,” he replied.

“Then you know nothing about what it does to a person.” Haven’s expression was cold, so cold. He faced Cy in the center of the room, the tension between them like a chill in the air.

“How was it for you?” Cy heard himself ask, horrified that those words had escaped his lips.

“A rather personal question,” Haven said.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not. You have a bad habit of asking personal questions, don’t you?”

“I suppose so.”

“And you have a death wish.”

Cy shivered and wrapped his arms around himself. He’d never felt so small, so miserable. Perhaps only his mother’s death had made him feel this way before. But then, he’d been a child. A weak human with no means of changing the outcome.

“You’re not yourself,” Haven said after a silent moment of studying him. When Cy looked up, he noticed confusion in the vampyre’s eyes. “You’re truly mourning those two.”

“Of course I am!” Cy spat. “They were good, kind, and innocent. They didn’t deserve what happened to them!”

Haven raised a brow at Cy’s raised voice. He looked stunned, unsure, for the second time that night. “I’d have thought you’d be used to death by now.”

“Why don’t you just kill me?” Cy growled. “You hate me; you’re disgusted by my presence. So do it then!”
