Page 59 of Nyte

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“Because his loyalty has been proven time and again. Unlike others among this council who have been known to gamble because they’re bored.”

Haven shifted, remembering the time his sire hadforgottento lock the doors to the pets’ quarters simply to see what would happen. Those humans brave, or perhaps unfortunate, enough to revolt had been overcome and killed on the spot for their disobedience, for the test they had failed. Thorne was like that. He enjoyed the sport of cruelty. It wouldn’t surprise Haven if Thornehadsided with the Veritas for no other reason than to tear it apart from the inside out.

Still, Thorne seemed unfazed. He shrugged and smiled, exposing sharp white fangs. “Indeed, this house exists to serve the will of the Dominion. If a shadow has fallen upon me, I shall do my best to alleviate myself of all doubt.”

“Good, then.” Reyber turned back to the assemblage. “If all the other houses agree, we will begin our investigation immediately upon this meeting’s dissolution. For the duration of this investigation, we shall ask that the Dominion remain in New Avalon. I’m sure Lord Thorne won’t mind providing additional merriment to keep you occupied?”

Haven’s stomach roiled as eyes shifted in his direction. He couldn’t take another night of Ambrosia. Of humiliation and torture. Of bodies pinning him down as his mind swam with lust. He swallowed hard as Thorne’s hand came to rest on his thigh below the table. Placating. Calming.

“Merriment you shall have,” Thorne said. “Our pets are well-made and used to rough play. I’ll have stocks of Ambrosia sent to your rooms.”

The rest of the council’s proceedings went quickly, tinged by a haze of discomfort and tension. More than once, Gaius caught Haven’s eye. But what the older vampyre was thinking, Haven hadn’t a clue.

By the time the council began filtering from the room, Haven was filled with confusion and fear. Was it possible Thorne was in danger? That he was indeed involved in the Veritas? Would Haven even know?

“I need you to lead the council to the banquet hall. Find some pets to entertain them, will you? I have business I need to attend to.” Thorne’s smooth voice rang in his ear, so quiet only Haven could hear.

“Yes, Master.”

He sought Thorne’s gaze, but his maker had already vanished, and even though Haven scanned the chambers, there was no sign of him. Straightening, Haven turned to address the council. Forcing calm into his voice, he said, “Would the Dominion like to adjourn to the banquet hall for refreshments?”

Hungry tongues traced over lusty lips. Haven pushed forward toward the castle, suppressing the shudder of revulsion that swept through him, clenching like a vice around his heart.



“Watch the door,”the female vampyre said.

As her guard grunted and crossed the threshold to shut the door behind him, Cy searched the room desperately, looking for anything he could use as a weapon. There would be little time to defend himself, no one coming to his aid this time—he had to be quick. He supposed he could wrench the wood post from the bedframe, but it would take tremendous strength. Perhaps Haven had a letter opener or scissors in his desk drawer—he thought he’d seen them there during his earlier searches?

But as he eased himself closer, the vampyre spoke, her voice calm and steady.

“Hello, Cypress.”

He forced himself to form words. “How the hell do you know my name?”

She smiled, exposing razor-sharp teeth. “My name is Dahlia De Rais. I have a message for you. From Z.”

Cy froze. “What did you say?”

“Z. Gave me a message. For you.”

Cy bared his teeth. There was no way she could have known about Z. Their leader was their best kept secret. But somehow, this vampyre had said his name. “How the hell—”

Dahlia held her hands up in surrender. “All is well. I’m here to set your mind at ease.”

“You’re a vampyre!” he spat.

She nodded. “Yes. Do you always make a habit of stating the obvious?”

“Why should I believe anything you have to say?”

“Z warned me you would be wary. That’s good. It will keep you alive longer.”

“What do you want?”

“I told you, Z sent me. The Veritas sent me.”
