Page 78 of Nyte

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“Under duress, Cypress himself told us the truth.” Thorne grinned. “Dahlia De Rais came to him during the tour of the slaughterhouses. I’d wondered where our lovely Dahlia had gone off to—and here she was making a fine traitor of herself. She revealed herself as a member of the Veritas and even gave this human a sampling of her blood. She then told him to help her gain human support for an impending attack on New Avalon. All this she did right under our noses! I move to turn out the De Raises and punish them for their actions against this council!”

A stirring ripped through the assembled crowd. “This is offensive.” Druitt De Rais stood, his body trembling with rage. Beside him, Dahlia twitched in her seat. “How dare you bring a human here to sully our good name. We’re a noble house. One of the oldest! That our loyalty would be brought into question—”

“Yes, your house is noble! But not the vampyres who lead it!” Thorne sneered. “Traitors to your own race! And now it’s been proven!”

“This is an absolute sham! A disgrace!” Druitt growled, turning his gaze to the center of the circle. “Reyber, Gaius,” he implored, “surely you can’t believe this folly? From the mouths of Thorne Bathory and his human pet, no less!”

Thorne snorted. “I’m not the one with ties to the Veritas.”

“That remains to be seen,” Reyber hissed, his voice drowning out the rushing in Haven’s ears. “Are we to trust the words of a human over one of our own? We need more proof. We need a trial.” He glanced toward the door where several heavily armed vampyre guards stood sentry. He nodded, and they approached. “Take the De Raises into custody. We’ll ascertain the truth of their guilt or innocence.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Druitt bellowed as the guards approached. “Gaius! Gaius! Listen to me! You know me! This isn’t right! You’re making a mistake!”

Druitt roared and fought as he and his sister were dragged to their feet. He put himself in front of Dahlia and hissed, all teeth and claws and fists. Gingerly though, Dahlia placed a hand on her brother’s arm and calmed him, her face set and solemn. With grace, she succumbed to the hands that shoved her out of the hall toward the dungeons, and, as if placated by his sister’s demeanor, Druitt eventually did the same.

In the silence that followed, Haven’s eyes found Thorne’s. His heart beat rapidly as a smirk turned at the corners of Thorne’s lips. “And take the human slave as well.”

Thorne’s fingers tangled in the thick, dark curls on Cypress’s head, lifting until Cy’s knees rose from the ground. The human grimaced in pain, and Haven’s hands balled into fists at his sides. With a heaving thrust, Thorne shoved Cypress back to the ground. Only moments later, the guards converged on him.

Cypress’s chin fell to his chest as the vampyres grasped him and pulled him to his feet. He swayed, barely able to stand unassisted. Haven’s heart ached even as his head pounded in anguish.

As Cypress was dragged away, feet trailing behind him, Haven glanced up at his sire. Knowing red eyes bored into Haven’s soul. But he didn’t speak. Only smiled as Reyber Tepes once again addressed the council of assembled vampyres.

“Let this be a lesson to any of you who think to side with the Veritas. We will find you, and we will root you out. If the De Raises are found guilty, there will be no mercy for them.”

Haven grimaced, knowing what that punishment would be: drawing and quartering before being burned at the stake and ultimately beheaded. It was the punishment for all vampyre kind—assured death without the sun’s once potent rays. “And what of the human?” he voiced.

“He’s human. He’ll testify at the trial. And then he’ll be disposed of.”

“He’s my slave,” Haven growled. “Do I not have any say in his fate?”

“He’s not your slave,” Thorne spoke up. “He’s mine.”

Swallowing hard, Haven felt the stirrings of panic begin to overtake him.

“Besides, my sweet child, what use would you have for him knowing that he’s been aligned with the traitors? Surely you see that he must be destroyed?”

Destroyed. That word hung heavily in Haven’s mind.

“This council’s session is adjourned. Return to your rooms. We’ll commence the trials in a week’s time. In the meantime, I expect your complete cooperation. I’ll see no vampyre leave New Avalon until these proceedings are finished.” Reyber dismissed the crowd with a wave of his hand. Gaius stood silently beside him, seemingly lost in thought. Tension radiated throughout the hall’s occupants as they gathered themselves and headed back to their rooms.

Haven slunk closer to his sire, anger, betrayal, and pain running rampant like a torrential storm through his mind. “Did you know?” he choked out.

Thorne smirked. “I’ve suspected the De Raises for quite some time. Their sympathy toward the humans is sickening in its own right. Almost like your own.”

Haven stiffened. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Thorne drew nearer so only Haven could hear his whispered words. “I know you’re…attached to that human. Were I a wiser man, I might have seen your inclinations earlier. I might have protected you from yourself. But truth be told, I wanted him to spy on you and report back to me. In exchange for his freedom, I told him to oversee your comings and goings, to ensure you weren’t attempting to harm yourself. Because I’ve been worried about you. So worried. I feared for you. I fear for you still.”

“You asked him to spy on me?” Rage. Haven wanted to lash out.

“I knew you were hiding something from me. Little did I know you were conspiring with my sire, making plans to leave me.” Thorne grasped hold of Haven’s wrist, his long nails digging in hard. Haven hissed at the sting. “But now you can’t. I own the slave that has your affections. If you want to see him as anything more than a pelt or a blood bag, you’ll do as I command. You’ll remain loyal and follow my every command.” His voice was low, so low no one else could hear.

“He’s doomed either way, isn’t he? You said it yourself.” Haven glowered at his sire. The man who had saved him. The man who had betrayed him.

“Is he?”

Haven’s breath caught. He opened his mouth to retort.
