Page 8 of Nyte

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Haven’s eyes snapped open. “Stay away,” he commanded.

“Lord Haven, you need to drink.”

Haven gritted his teeth, knuckles tightening on the sheets below him. “I’m fine.”

“How long has it been, Lord Haven?” Riley persisted, drawing closer even as Haven backed away. “I can see it in your face. It’s been too long.”

“Enough, human.”

“Please, my Lord. You know what can happen. You know…”

Cy knew as well. He’d seen it before—he’d been the cause. Vampyres completely drained of blood and starving became more like demons; feral creatures succumbed to madness. If they hadn’t already lost all sense of humanity, when drained, they became even less than that. It was a mercy to put them down. Not that they deserved it.

Riley’s voice was choked with emotion. “Please. Drink.” He opened his robe, exposing dewy white skin.

Cy quaked with frustration. This vampyre was going to suck the life out of Riley in front of him. But Cy had to be strong enough to ignore it. There were more important things than the life of one human: his freedom chief among them.

Still, he couldn’t watch.

He couldn’t.

But he couldn’t look away either.

Slowly, Riley settled himself between Haven’s legs, as a lover might. He sprawled forward so his neck was fully exposed, pressed near enough to Haven’s lips that all he needed to do was lean in, and the vein would be under Haven’s mouth.

Blood red eyes met Cy’s as the vampyre opened his mouth and stroked Riley’s pale neck with his tongue. He bit down.

Riley moaned against the vampyre as Cy watched, transfixed. There was something so sinful and mesmerizing about watching them feed—especially when their victims reacted the way Riley did now, rutting in Haven’s lap, taking pleasure in his master’s mouth. Cy knew the feeling. Every time he had ever been fed upon, the rapture that came with that bite made him hate himself.

“ Lord,” Riley crooned. “My Lord, I’m going to…” Moments later, he cried out, grasping at Haven’s shoulders, trembling as orgasm rocked through him.

Haven pulled away, unlatching his mouth from Riley’s neck and licking the wound to seal it.

“My Lord, I’ sorry!” Riley gasped, mortified. Tears welled in the corners of his big blue eyes.

But instead of shaming him—or worse, harming him—Haven reached out and placed a hand on Riley’s cheek. “Don’t be sorry,” he said softly.

He stood from the bed to grab a handkerchief from the pocket of his discarded cloak. He handed it to Riley and looked away as the scrawny human tidied himself.

Again, Haven’s eyes strayed to Cy. The vampyre’s color had improved, his cheeks flushed with color, the shaking of his limbs having subsided.

“Thank you, my Lord. Thank you for allowing me release. I don’t deserve your kindness.” Riley slid from the bed to the floor, bringing his lips to the vampyre’s boots.

“None of that.” Haven bent to help Riley back to his feet. “I’m the one who should be thanking you. God knows I’m just a fool who often needs reminding. Now go lie down while I work for a bit.”

Riley brightened and nodded. Haven pulled the bedding back so Riley could slide in between the sheets. Cy balked at what he was seeing. A vampyre, offering his bed to a human. To a pet.

Without another word, Haven turned to the desk and sat down, beginning to write in a small, leather-bound journal. Only moments later, Riley was fast asleep in the vampyre’s bed.

“If you’ve something to say, say it,” Haven said without looking up.

Cy crossed his arms in front of his chest as much as his chains would allow. “You’re kind to that pet.”

Haven didn’t respond.

Cy continued, pressing his luck. “Why are you kind to a pet that doesn’t belong to you?”

“His disposition suits my tastes,” Haven said curtly.
