Page 27 of Elemental Healer

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“This is not a threat to Nate. Whether or not you believe it, he is my friend. I don’t want to hurt him. I’m giving you an example of what makes my element so deadly.”

“Okay, keep going. Show me.”

“I can’t. This power of Love can only be called upon when it’s needed. And, like I said, I hope you never have to see it.”

He had me intrigued now. “Why’s that?”

“Because that means we’re in a load of trouble.”

The way he said it made me think that by “a load of trouble” he meant the kind where people lost their lives.

A sinking feeling lay low in my gut. “When I go to kill you, will you use this power against me?”

His shoulders deflated. “No.”

“Why not? You could kill me, right? Am I not a big enough threat?”

He shook his head but followed the move up with an explanation so he didn’t defy my rule. “I cannot use it to protect myself. It is to be used to protect others.”

The dripping of the shower faucet told the passing of time while we stared at each other, me lost in thought.

“Kind of a crappy element, isn’t it?” I asked. “Can’t tell a lie, always know when people are lying to you, and you can’t even use this great power to protect yourself. More like a curse, huh?”

“Yeah. Pretty much.”

I was loath to admit it, but a tiny, miniscule piece of me felt bad for the guy. “Can you at least heal yourself?”

He snorted. “Nope.”

I sighed and walked to the door. Halfway out, I stopped. Jeff stood just outside the tub when I turned back.

“Out of the niceness of my heart—because, no matter what you might think, I am a nice person—I promise I will not lie to you again unless my life depends on it. Not that I could hide the lie from you, but if I do lie, and this only applies to you, take it as a sign I’m in distress.”

One side of Jeff’s mouth twitched. “Understood.”

Outside of the bathroom, I quickly dressed. I’d brought a knee-length black dress with frilly cap sleeves and diamonds at the base of the modest V-neck. Nathaniel had insisted on helping me pick it out—horrible situation—and had insisted on this dress over the one I’d chosen with a lower neckline and shorter hem. Pointing out that I’d watched him ogle many a woman in the dress I’d chosen didn’t help my plight, and he’d bought this dress on the spot. Father figures…

Jeff exited the bathroom fully clothed in a suit he didn’t look comfortable wearing. The tie lay on his shoulders around his neck, and he looked frazzled.

“As much as it pains me to ask,” he said. “I don’t know how this stupid thing is supposed to tie. I mean, it’s a ridiculous piece of fabric that’s only intent is to make me feel like I’m being choked to death. Seriously, this thing is a weapon. I could kill you multiple different ways with this right now. Yet, I’m supposed to willingly wear it around my neck?”

“Well,” I had to bite my lips together for a moment to keep from laughing. I was supposed to hate him, but his argument had merit, and he looked so flustered it was rather funny. “I guess you treat it like a weapon then.”

“How so?”

“Don’t give it to your enemy, you idiot.”

Rolling my eyes in obvious fashion, I strode into the bathroom to fix up my hair and makeup. I groaned when I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress made me look like a frumpy child. Yes, it was pretty, but I’d been going for gorgeous.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nathaniel picked this dress out, and I hate it.”

“Hey, is Grace there?” I peeked my head out of the bathroom to see Jeff on his phone. He held up his index finger to stem my questions while waiting for the woman to speak across the phone. “Hey, Grace. Tessa needs a dress. Can you help me out? Great, thanks. Yup. Bye.”

He looked at me. “Dalt’s bringing it over. Let’s go downstairs, and I’ll run interference on Nate while you grab the dress from Dalton and then run up here and change.”

There was nothing I could do but stare at the man.
