Page 32 of Fear the Fall

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“No dramas either. Comedy or Marvel. We could use a chill night for a change.”


“Don’t plan on hunting either.”

My face falls. I thought for sure after dinner and the movie, he’d be up for the hunt.

He steps back into me, holding me close and placing a kiss on my forehead. “Until we know what’s going on, we need to be careful. We need to train.”

I nod, knowing it’s the best strategy.

“Go shower. When I get back, it’s just you and me. All night.”

“I like the sound of that.”

He grins, jogging backward to the truck.

I push away the thought of what havoc demons can wreak tonight and head to shower. I’ve given my whole life to the cause. Tonight, I’m going to experience a night of human normalcy, in the arms of Zeke—my own alpha hero. Only as friends. Just friends.

Keep telling yourself that, Tori.
