Page 48 of Fear the Fall

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Therefore I Am

The hail comes first,beating into my bared skin, melting instantly on contact. I allow the heavy rain to drench me through. My hands come up over my head, calling upon the clouds to form the cyclone that’ll deliver the energy I desperately need. My skin tingles with the knowledge that any moment, my call will be answered.

My eyes close in preparation, but the wind never comes. Baffled, I open my eyes to realize the clouds aren’t obeying. The sky is the correct shade of green, but nothing twirls above. In fact, everything is entirely too still.

There’s only one being that could interfere with my God-given gifts—another angel. A powerful one at that.

“Where are you?” I call out, head swiveling left to right, trying to pinpoint where the angel is hiding out. What’s their motive for being here? I crouch low, getting into a fighting stance. I won’t be blindsided by an attack.

“Very perceptive, Victoria.” Leeanna’s voice sounds from overhead. I turn to see her loitering on a tree branch. She leaps into the air, but her descent to the ground is slow and graceful. “Glad to see one thing about you hasn’t been corrupted.”

“What do you want?” I growl. The last encounter we had almost ended badly for me, and I haven’t forgotten that.

She shrugs. “I came to have a chat with an old friend.”

“I’m not your friend. Tell me what you want and get the hell off my property.”

Her eyes light up. “I see pleasantries aren’t necessary. I was afraid I’d have to go through this whole conversation playing at friends. I really don’t have time to fake anything, so I’ll cut to the chase.”

“You have two minutes to state your business before I remove you myself.”

She laughs. “You can’t possibly think you can still take me. Those days are over.”

“It might not be as easy as it once was, but I won’t go down easily. Even you aren’t dumb enough to think otherwise.”

“I have God on my side.”

“I don’t, so there’s nothing stopping me from ending your existence. Or at least trying. I can assure you I’ll take extra care in making sure it’s excruciatingly painful.”

Leeanna takes a menacing step forward, baring her teeth. “Careful, Tori. God might have plans for you, but if you get in my way, I’ll end you.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “You? Disobey God? You don’t have the nerve.”

“Try me.”

“You’re still his obedient little minion. Nothing more. You and I both know that if he wills me to live, you’re powerless over it.” I shrug. “Unless you’ve decided to fall after all.”

“After all?” Her eyes narrow in what appears to be confusion.

“Zeke told me about your plans. Pretty shitty of you to lead him to believe you’d ever actually think for yourself.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We’re playing that game now? Trying to act as though you aren’t the reason Zeke’s stuck here?”

She shakes her head, looking thrown off balance more than anything. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I? I know that you act all high and mighty, judging me for falling victim to the king of deceit, but you won’t even admit that you yourself caused an angel to fall by tricking him into thinking you loved him.”

She jerks back, her reaction switching from stunned to pissed. “Is that what he told you? That I made him fall?” She laughs incredulously. “You really are daft, Victoria. No wonder you were duped by Satan so easily.”

“What the hell do you want?” I scream, causing a nearby flock of birds to shoot into the sky, scared off by my sudden outburst. Even Lee’s eyes widen.

“I came to warn you.”

I huff. “Why should I believe that you’d ever offer any word of warning to me? Am I not the scum on the bottom of your shoe? Or whatever it was you said about me back in the graveyard.”

“I might’ve been unfair.”
