Page 69 of Fear the Fall

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“Ready?” I ask, walking right past his outstretched hand. When I make it outside, I stop in my tracks at the sleek black car that waits. “An Audi R8? What’s the occasion?”

“Valentine’s Day,” he deadpans.

“It’s April.”

“So we’re celebrating late. I thought you might like to ride in something that is sure to actually start and not rust out while we dine,” he says, motioning to my truck.

“My truck runs.”

“It didn’t the other night.”

He opens the passenger door for me, and I stop, turning toward him. “What are you up to?” I ask, searing him with a look of warning.If you mess with me, I’ll find a way to end you.

“I’m just trying to have a semi-normal day. With you. Could you relax and try to enjoy yourself?”

“If I agree and truly try, do you swear to me that you’ll leave me alone? No more drop-ins. We work together to end this evil and that’s it. No more invading my dreams. One day and that’s all?”

“You dream about me?” He smirks, and I groan. “Please, tell me what sordid things we do. I’ll live vicariously through your nighttime imaginings.”

My entire body feels like it’s on fire from pure embarrassment. Why did I have to mention the damn dreams?

I don’t say another word until we’re seated on the patio of a café in the Garden District. Across the street is one of the oldest cemeteries in New Orleans, and as creepy as that should feel, considering I’m sitting with the devil at my side, it’s actually quite beautiful in the light of day.

“What are you thinking?” Luke asks, examining the area.

I turn my gaze on him. “Nothing, really. I’m a fan of this part of town.”

His eyes roam the area, seemingly unimpressed. “It’s a bit boring for my taste, but I suppose it’s a nice change of pace.”

“Boring? Do you mean lacking debauchery?”

“A bit of debauchery never hurt anyone, love.”

“Why do you call melove? What happened toangel ?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

“For those of us in the underground, that carries derogatory connotations.” He picks at something on his fingers, not meeting my eyes. “As you are no longer walking with the hordes of heavenly angels, I thought a changeup would suit.”

“Let me get this straight. That whole time, what I thought was an endearment was really an insult?”


I huff. “You’re evil.”

He smirks. “Says who?”

“Everyone,” I snap, growing annoyed with him.

“That’s only because they’ve been fed the wrong narrative. The story you’ve heard is not the whole story.”

I raise my eyebrow. “You want me to believe there’s more to the story? That I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and all that.”

He nods. “Exactly.”

“If you’re not evil, then what are you, Luke?” I lean forward, dying to hear how he’s going to spin this one. The smirk on my face dies when I see how serious he is. His expression bounces from nervous to frustrated, and I’m not sure how to take this outwardly vulnerable side of him.

“I’m the caretaker of Hell. Just like inmates need wardens here on Earth, Hell does too.”

“You incite sin, Luke. That’s not what a warden does. They prevent evil deeds.”
