Page 41 of Trust the Fall

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“His girlfriend,” Julian coughs into his closed fist, earning himself a glare from Law.

“Familiar,” Law emphasizes. “I only want to keep her safe.”

Despite his words, I can tell he likes her. If it’s not something closer to love I see shining brightly in his blue irises. I don’t say any of that, because this isn’t the time for jesting. I want to soak up as much knowledge as possible, because something tells me this is important.

“Why was her sister stolen?”

“We really don’t know. There’s a legend, and we believe the three sisters and my brothers and me have something to do with it, but we won’t know until we bring her home.”

“But didn’t you say your one brother is at war with you?”

He nods. “We also think his revolting has something to do with Molly’s absence.”

“A broken heart?”

“Something like that. We’re hoping that when she’s back, he’ll snap out of whatever spell he’s been under.”

“Will that stop the vampire war?”

“No. There are too many elder vampires and families vying for our crown. They’ll likely continue to come for us even without our brother. But if we have him by our side, we’ll have better odds of stopping it. Regardless, a war is coming. Whether it’s the vampire war or something even greater, war’s coming. We must all prepare for it.”

“When this is all over, and I get out of here, I’ll help you in your war.”

He nods. “Thank you, Victoria.”

We sit in silence after that, each lost in our own thoughts. I’m working through various escape plans, keeping in mind what Julian said about the lesser demons eventually coming and our ability to overtake them.

It never comes to that, because River show up and starts barking his orders again. “Time to go.”


“Yes, now. Get a move on.”

I rush to the cell door. When it swings open, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward a wall.

“Am I missing something?”

“This is our way out.”

I stare at the solid wall and wonder what rabbit hole I’ve fallen down. I’m no stranger to the mystical, but Hell is another facet altogether.

“Grab my hand,” he commands, and I shake my head.

“Victoria, there isn’t time to waste.”

“I’ll go if you release them too.” I nod my head toward Julian and Law.

“Can’t. Not enough time.”

I dig my heels in. “I won’t leave until they’re released.”

“Victoria,” he grits through his teeth.

“They have a quest that’s just as important as any we’re on. Please, River. Let them out.”

He groans, but heads toward the door, throwing it open. “You only have a few minutes,” River warns. “I didn’t accept Nolda’s terms, and let’s just say he’s reneged on his plans to let us leave. He’ll be here any minute to attempt to cage all of us.”

Julian and Law rush from the cell, but it’s too late. Heavy footsteps pound the ground heading this way.
