Page 43 of Trust the Fall

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This has to be my mind conjuring him because I miss him.

“Or because you’re getting a little too friendly with the reaper.”

There it is again... Luke’s voice. No matter the chastising nature of his words, I long for it to truly be him.

I swing around, searching, silently praying, and there he is. His face is locked in fury and his body tense, but he’s here, and that’s all that matters.

The sight of him brings instantaneous tears to my eyes. My hands fly to my mouth as I cry out his name. “Luke.”

There’s so much I want to say. So much I want to do... with him. All the jumbled, errant thoughts flash through my mind, causing the room to spin a bit.

“Victoria.” My name from his mouth clears the light-headedness, and for the first time since I arrived here in Hell, all is right with the world.

Everything and everyone around me disappears. It’s only him and me. His anger melts away and I can no longer stay in place. I run to him.

He pulls me in, crashing me against his chest. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner, Victoria.”

The tears trickle down my cheeks in a mixture of relief and apprehension. What if this is yet another trick that Hell is playing on me? I might break if that’s the case.

“It’s me, Victoria. I promise. It’s me.”

A sob heaves from my chest but I don’t push it down. I need to feel this moment.

“Hold on to me,” Luke whispers, but I didn’t need him to tell me twice. I couldn’t let him go if I wanted to.

When my eyes open, we’re no longer in the dark, cavernous lair we’d just been in. Sunlight gleams through the windows of my loft. I’m home.

“How, when—”

“Shh. It’s all right. You’re safe.” Luke coos into the top of my head, running his hands down my arms before wrapping them around my front.

We’re lying on my bed, my back to his chest, and it’s the most content I’ve ever felt.

I soak in his touch, forgetting the world and all the troubles that await us. In this moment, it’s only him and me.Finally.

I don’t want to waste another moment. It’s well past time I give myself fully over to the only man I’ve ever loved.

“Victoria.” Luke’s voice is hesitant, if not a little pained, as though it’s taking everything in him to walk this line carefully. “We can just enjoy this moment of quiet. Together. We don’t have to—”

Twisting to look at him, I shake my head. “No more waiting.”

His eyes close on an exhale and when they open, the hesitation is gone, and all that’s left is a determination that lights a fire within me. One that can’t be contained.

I’m not sure who acts first, but I’m lifted under my arms and flipped over onto my back, with Luke hovering above of me.

“Tell me no, Victoria. I’ll only ask once.”

My head shakes and that’s all the reassurance he needs.

Our hands grab and pull, dislodging our bodies from the material covering what stands between us finally being one. The belly shirt is lifted from over my head and discarded in the corner. “If I never see that again, it’ll be too soon,” he snarls.

He simply snaps his fingers to rid me of everything else.

A mischievous grin spreads across his face at my shocked expression, but when his eyes lower to my naked chest, all playfulness evaporates. His eyes darken to an unnatural black as he takes in my body that’s completely bared to him.

He swallows, eyes moving back to meet mine.
