Page 66 of Trust the Fall

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He flinches. I never call him that, and when I do, it’s always out of anger.

“I didn’t ask her. I’m asking you.”

I shake my head, not wanting to talk about it. The truth is, I question if what she said holds a bit of truth. Am I attracted to River?

As soon as I think it, I regret it, because it’s clear that Luke is reading my thoughts yet again. This is exactly the reason I’m paranoid. River is right, he has done a number on me. In many ways.

His features darken and his lips press into a harsh line. “I don’t need to know any more. You’ve said enough.”

“Luke, I—”

His hand flies up. “No.”

“You don’t get to do that,” I yell. “Not after the way you held her back there. And ‘Lil’? Do you really have to use your fucking pet names with your whore in front of me?”

“Victoria, I’m sorry. I never meant anything by it. I was only holding her back. I’d never let her touch you.”

My rage lowers to a simmer. It’s Lilith I’m angry with, not Luke.

“What’s going on out here?”

My eyes close at the sound of River’s voice. Now is not the time for him to appear.

“I couldn’t stop him, Lucifer,” Lilith calls, and once again, I’m boiling over.

It all makes sense. She orchestrated River’s appearance to further the divide between Luke and me.

“Stop making this about her,” Luke snaps at me, and I shiver at the harshness. “This isn’t about Lilith. It’s about you and him.”

“Now you’re angry at me?”

“Damn straight. Did you think I’d forgotten what started our argument in the first place? You were thinking about him.”

“There’s nothing between us,” I say, taking a step toward Luke, but he retreats by two steps.

“You and I both know that isn’t true. You’re his betrothed, after all.”

“What?” River asks, looking anything but authentic. His head bobs back and forth between Luke and me, playing like he’s waiting for one of us to explain, but it’s obvious he’s known all along.

“Go ahead... tell him,” Luke goads, and I shake my head, wanting him to stop.

“What’s he talking about, princess?”

I shoot River a glare that should signal I’m on to him and will cut him if he keeps up this ridiculous charade.

“Princess? How cute,” Luke mocks River. “You already have pet names, and here you were just censuring me for the same fucking thing.”

“Luke, stop,” I warn. “This is getting out of hand.”

“You’re right; it is. I saw you two, Victoria, back at the battle. You almost kissed him.”

“It was her.” I motion to Lilith, who wears a false appearance of bewilderment.

“What did I do? I didn’t make you fall for him.” She points to River.

“Shut up,” I scream.

“Will someone tell me what is going on?” Lilith’s shrill voice cuts off my outburst.
