Page 105 of Blood that Burns

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I’m nervous.

I’d be a liar if I said otherwise. This is all new to me. Not just the sex, but the reciprocation. I’ve spent years dreaming about the day that Law would look at me like this, but now that it’s here, I’m quaking under the weight of that heavy-lidded stare.

The fire I see doesn’t scare me; it electrifies me to my core.

This is what I want. The whole package that is Lawrence Bellamy. I’m not afraid he’ll be disappointed in me, because he’s the type of man who’ll lead even a novice expertly, but I am nervous that I won’t like it.

I’ve heard people complain about sex over the years. They’ve said it hurts or they just lie there wanting it over. I can’t imagine it’ll be that way for us, but a part of me is scared that all these years of building it up in my head have set me up for a giant letdown.

“Sunshine,” he groans, “I can assure you that while it might sting for a few moments, nothing about what’s going to happen will be a letdown.”

“Okay,” I say breathily.

“You wound me by even thinking it.” He chuckles against my lip, and I melt into it.

His hands work to lift my shirt over my head. I skipped wearing a bra, anticipating this, so I’m bare from the waist up for him.

His eyes scan my chest, lingering on my full breasts. I’ve always hated my heavy C cups, but from the way Law’s eyes have turned dark and smoldering, he doesn’t share my opinion.

“Not even remotely,” he growls. “You are exquisite.”

“So you’re a boob guy, huh?” I smirk, lifting a brow.

His answering grin threatens to undo me before we even get started.

“After seeing you in those shorts and how you are now... I’ve gotta say, sunshine, this might be the first time in my life I’m not sure. You’re incredible.”

The compliment should have me soaring toward the ceiling, but his words allude to his past, and it’s the opposite of what I want to think about in this moment.

Law grimaces, having picked up on my train of thought. “We should probably discuss that.”

My eyes widen and my head shakes aggressively. “That’s the last thing I want to do.”

“It’s clearly a concern, and I don’t want to do this without having everything out on the table. You deserve to have all the answers so that you’re making the best decision for you.”

My hand lands on his cheek tenderly as I lean up and place a kiss on his lips.

“As long as you’re clean and we’re safe, I don’t need to know anything more. The past is in the past, Law.”

His eyes search mine. “Are you sure? Because there have been a lot—”

My hand lands on his mouth, stopping him from ruining the moment. “I don’t want to know. I’m well aware how long you’ve lived and that plays a role in the numbers. I don’t care who you were then. I care who you are now and that your intentions with me are different.”

He pulls me in to his chest. His lip rests against the shell of my ear. “Everything is different with you, Maggie. Everything.”

I squirm as a shiver races through me from his breathy words.

“I’ve never been with anyone unprotected. Even though it was unnecessary, because Reese helped me with a cocktail years ago that would prevent me from producing offspring.”

I pull back. “Y-you can’t have children?”

He smirks down at me. “It’s a little early to be talking kids, don’t you think?”

I slap his bare chest. “You know that’s not why I’m asking.”
