Page 138 of Blood that Burns

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“Julian.” His name reverberates off the foyer walls as I fly through the front door to Bellamy Manor. “Julian,” I bellow, pounding my fist into the wall. “Fuck!” I shake my bloodied fist, wincing at the pain.

Anything to stave off the deep-rooted anguish.

“Lawrence? What’s going on?” Katina asks, rushing through the archway that leads to the kitchen. “Oh my gods. What did you do?”

“Get my brother. It’s... just please. Get him.” The words nearly break my chest in two.

Her eyes are wide with concern, but she nods and rushes off, leaving me to fall to my knees on the cold, hard ground. Blood drips onto the white marble from the cuts in my hand.

Maggie’s gone. The Fae took her.

I let them.

For a week, I’ve done everything to try to gain access. Even Shante flew to Washington to help, but it was no use. The portal is closed, and there’s no way in.

Rage. Terror. Devastation.

They all war with each other for top spot.

I fucking lost her.

“Law. What the fuck?” Julian asks, looking seconds away from tearing me to pieces. “Where the hell have you been? Where’s Maggie? We’ve been worried fucking sick.”

He takes one hard look at me and the murderous expression evaporates. Julian rushes toward me, lowering himself beside me on the ground.

“What is it?”

My head shakes back and forth violently. The words are caught in my throat.

Julian’s head swivels around as though he’s looking for someone.

“Where is she?” His words are spoken cautiously, as though I’m a cornered animal, ready to strike.

Except I don’t have it in me. I feel hollow. Dead inside. Like the best part of me was torn away.

It was.

“They took her to the Fae kingdom.”

I’ve been interrogated for hours by Julian and Marina, which hasn’t led to any clues. I replay the events on a loop, each time more painstakingly horrific. When I get my hands on Veda, I’ll kill her myself.


“Marina. Call your godsdamned bird.”

Her eyes narrow. “Mosely? What does he have to do with this?”

I jump to my feet, pacing the room like a caged beast. “Her guardian turned into one of them. It’s who dragged Maggie through the portal and shut me out.”

Marina gasps. “W-what? Are you serious?”

“Call that fucking bird here now.” The words are growled through my clenched teeth.

Marina and Julian share a look. When Julian nods, Marina rushes to the window, opening it up and calling out to Mosely. This goes on for several minutes, but the fucking creature never materializes.
