Page 95 of Blood that Burns

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“That’s right. Do what you do best... avoid.”

He spins around and nearly bumps into my chest.

“Avoid? What exactly am I avoiding, Maggie? Huh?”

My hands lift and my head lolls back. “Your feelings? This pull? You name it, Law. If it involves me and you, you’re avoiding it.”

“Damn straight I am. For your own good.”

I scoff. “Fuck that. I’m done.”

Turning on my heel, I stalk toward the door, but Law’s fast, snatching me by the elbow and pulling me back in to his firm chest.

“Don’t walk away from me.”

I spin around, looking up into his blue eyes. “It was always going to lead to this. You push, and eventually I’ll stop pulling.”

He stares down at me for several long moments, appearing to be lost in thought. I’m about to pull out of his grasp when he finally speaks. “What if I don’t want you to stop? What if I want you to never give up?”

My breath hitches and my eyes close.

These are words I’ve wanted to hear for so long, but I’m tired of being the only one fighting.

“I can only take so much, Law.”

He crushes me into his chest, nose pressed into my hair. I breathe him in, relishing the comfort he brings me.

“Give me time, sunshine. Let me work out these feelings.”

My body relaxes into him at his admission. He feels something for me, and that’s all I can ask for right now. If he wants me to give him time, I will. I always do.

But I won’t allow games, and I won’t let him break me.

I’m stronger than I was when I jumped from that cliff. I might’ve put him first at one time, but I choose me, and I’ll do whatever I must to protect my heart.

Even if that means eventually walking away.
