Page 1 of Summer Muse

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“This is going to be so much fun. There are so many activities to enjoy. I’m sure there will be something for everyone.” My mom’s voice is filled with so much excitement, it’s hard not to get swept up in it even though this vacation is the last thing I want to do.

It’s not like I don’t enjoy my family, I do. They’re amazing and I love them. The problem is I’ve done my research on the Mountain Ridge Resort and it’s more of an outdoor place. I’m more of an indoor girl.

I’m not sure how this vacation is going to be the time of my life, but it’s what my mother keeps insisting. I have my doubts. Big ones.

Theydohave a pool, which might be nice, but I have my mind set on the game room. If I thought I could get away with staying in the main lodge and reading the whole time then it would be my plan, but I know it’s impossible.

“I’m sure it’ll be great mom,” I chirp from the backseat. The same seat I’ve been trapped in for hours. The road trip we’re on, I was told, is an integral part of the whole experience. “Weren’t you saying something about a paint and sip event while we’re there?”

She starts gushing and I tune her out. Granted, such an event, considering it involves wine, is right up my alley. It’ll also be inside. I hope.

Fuck. What if it’s outside?

I could ask, but then I would interrupt her roll which is not something I want to do. When I look over at my brother, Will, he glances my way and gives me a smile and mouths ‘thank you’. I give him a nod in return. Mom has been excited about this trip since Christmas when Dad gave it out as a big family gift.

Will just graduated high school and I just graduated college. They’re freaking out about their baby going to college and how it’ll change the whole family dynamic.

Last week when I kind of tried to weasel out of the whole thing, my mom’s face paled and tears filled her eyes. She clasped my hands, her voice imploring, “Calli, this will be the last chance we can really take a trip like this. Soon you’re going to start your own life, one which doesn’t revolve around school. Will’s life will be all about college. We need to mark this summer with something special.”

I couldn’t break her heart then. I might not want to commune with nature, but I’m not heartless. She wants to have a good time and give us lasting memories. I’m going to have to grin and bear it.

I wish I could put my earbuds in and ignore my parents like Will is, but I’m an adult now. Right? Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

Hell, I’m being dragged to a family vacation at 22. That does not make me feel like a bona fide adult at all. Then there’s how I moved home after graduation. I have interviews scheduled for when we get back because moving home is temporary. Communications lends itself to a lot of different fields and I’m planning to move into my own place long before the holidays roll around.

I’m not going to lie, there have been a few good things about living at home again. While I refuse to let my mom do my laundry, she can cook like no one’s business and I have zero problems enjoying her homecooked meals.

I missed them when I had to rely on food at college. Although, having a cereal bar and frozen yogurt machine at my disposal anytime I wanted was kind of amazing. I doubt it would be cost effective to get one when I move into my own place, but maybe.

I don’t know how long mom prattles on, but damn if I don’t love how she can fill up space and time. Her excitement is infectious and something I desperately needed. Anything to stop me from thinking about the outside, bugs, heat and being soonall the time. That’s really the worst one—not feeling like you have a chance to relax because you’re spending so much time trying to have fun or live in the moment.

I need the quiet sometimes. I need to feel centered.

I already know I’m going to need a vacation from this vacation when it’s all over. Just to feel like I don’t have to perform the role of dutiful daughter having fun all the time.

Dad’s deep voice cuts mom off when she’s talking about dance lessons, “We’re here.”

I reach over and pull one of Will’s earbuds out, his head whipping around as he glares at me. I giggle softly and wave my hand out the window where the resort is coming into view. There are a few cabins I can see, but it’s clear the crown jewels of this place are its position on the lake and the large main stone lodge.

“Woah,” he breathes out.

I nod, my laughter becoming nervous. Will is everything I’m not. He loves the outdoors. He loves physical things and sports. He’s coordinated. While he’s no slouch at video games, he’s always been the kind of person who likes fresh air. Fucking weirdo.

“Yeah, it’s pretty impressive.” I try and sound confident, “Looks like a lot of fun.”

Will smirks, his voice teasing, “Are you sure? It looks like a lot of clean air and nature out there.” He waves his hand off to the side of the main lodge as we head toward the parking lot. “That’s a lot of trees.”

I grimace, but then notice my dad glance back at me from the rearview mirror, his eyes curious and far too knowing for my own good. He’s just like Will and fresh air recharges him or something. Since I’m thinking about it, Mom is the same way. She loves being outside in the garden.

Am I adopted? How did I get in with these people? Give me air conditioning and electricity any day of the week.

I force a smile on my face and don’t rise to my brother’s teasing. I shouldn’t let him get to me. He’s barely fucking 18. He knows nothing.

Being an adult is kind of exhausting.
