Page 5 of Summer Muse

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Yes, the euphemistic kind of music.

“Sorry, I just saw you sneaking away from your family. I thought you might need a rescue and a place to hide?” There’s way too much fucking hope in my voice, but I don’t even try and hide it. “I’m staying at the cabin.” I gesture vaguely behind me which has her eyeing me and then my cabin beyond. “It’s tucked away from most people and there’s a great chair in there for reading,” I nod toward the paperback she’s still clutching like it’s her lifeline.

The woman of my dreams, the only muse I’m ever going to need for the rest of my life, deflates in front of me before gnawing on her bottom lip. “Are you sure?” She shakes her head in the cutest as fuck little way. “I mean, I won’t be putting you out or bothering you?”

I take it as an invitation to move closer and then lead her back toward my cabin with my hand resting on the small of her back. “You won’t be bothering me, Sweetheart, it would be my pleasure to have you use me like I’m a Bond girl.”

She snorts out a laugh and then looks up at me, her hazel eyes big, wide and full of so much promise. Promise I’m going to capitalize on and then never let go of. There’s no way I can now.

Her voice is soft and hesitant, “I’m Calliope. Thanks for giving me sanctuary.”

I grin down at her. “Anytime, Calli, any-fucking-time.” The smile she gives me is like a jolt to the chest and how I’m standing afterwards is a mystery to me. My voice is hoarse this time, “I’m Lane.”

Well, with introductions out of the way, I just need to figure out how to make this woman mine and then keep her. Anything less isn’t going to work for me. Not now, not ever.



I should not be following a stranger back to his cabin, no matter how fucking hot he is. Oh, and he is. His blonde hair, longer on top and short on the sides, is combed back from his face and the beard he’s growing makes him look very at home here in the mountains. His damn jeans look painted on and there’s more than a little bit of muscle on his lean frame.

He looks like endurance personified. It makes me wonder what kind of activities he could have a lot of stamina for. No, I’m not thinking about him plowing into me in all sorts of positions. Not at all. Such thoughts would be inappropriate.

And hot. Inappropriate and so fucking hot.

The walk to his cabin is short and I can see the building where I know my brother and parents are. I wonder how long it’ll take them to rent their bikes. Just thinking about so much activity makes me want to shrivel up in a corner. I don’t even know why I grabbed my book last minute; I should have left it back in the room. Since my family didn’t say anything, they must have known I was going to sneak off somewhere instead of joining them for their mountain bike adventure.

Whatever they do will involve being sweaty and I’m just not in the mood.

Lane opens the door to his cabin, and I rush in with a glance over my shoulder. When I don’t see my family coming out of the rental place, I breathe a sigh of relief. I’m safe. For now. At least from them, the jury is still out on Lane.

If handsome equates to good than this man must be a fucking saint, but we all know that good looks don’t have a lot to do with a person’s character or their moral compass. What a shame.

“Do you often save damsels in distress by opening your cabin up to them? How often does this happen?” There’s a tease in my voice, but part of me really wants to know. Needs to know. Am I just one of many? In a long line of women? “Is this like your thing?”

Lane steps closer to me and the reality of being in his cabin alone hits me hard. Before I know it, I’m pressed against one wall of his cabin, his body aligned with mine and not leaving anything between us. “No, Sweetheart,” he coos at me, “I tend not to get involved in anyone else’s business because I don’t want them in mine.” He shrugs one shoulder as if it’s no big deal he’s this close to me, or it could be about his words; I don’t really have the brain power to figure it out. “You’re different though.”

I shake my head slowly. “I’m just a girl who doesn’t like the outdoors who has been dragged on this vacation with her family.”

Lane lets out a low chuckle which might as well vibrate right against my clit. Damn it. “I think you’re more than that, Calli.”

I don’t usually like my name being shortened, but apparently the exception is when he says it. It’s like he’s touching my skin with a feather. It’s intoxicating. It’s delicious. I want more.

When Lane takes a step back, I hate the little bit of distance he’s put between us. Hate it. It makes me want to scream. It makes me want to grab him and pull him closer to me, but I don’t. I force myself to not reach for him, even though it’s incredibly difficult to stop myself.

“Why don’t you sit down and read for a while,” Lane suggests without a hint of teasing in his voice.

I use the opportunity to slip past him and settle in an oversized chair, snuggling into it immediately with a big grin on my face. When I look up at Lane, there’s a look of possessive satisfaction there which causes me to squeeze my thighs together. I don’t think anyone has looked at me like that before. I wouldn’t have thought I liked it so much, but here we are.

I force myself to focus on the book in front of me, but it’s difficult to do while feeling Lane’s eyes on me every now and again. He putters around the cabin, but I don’t look at him. I’m afraid if I do then I’ll jump him and climb him like one of the mountains surrounding the resort.

I didn’t exactly come here to have a fling, not like I would be opposed to it, but I don’t know if I’m the fling kind of girl. My heart has always gotten involved before, but maybe this time it’ll be different. I’m pretty sure people say that to themselves all the time and then find out their nature was too much to overcome.

Will that stop me if something happens between us? Nope. Not at all.

When Lane starts to strum a guitar and his smoky voice surrounds me, I’m not able to focus on my book anymore. I find myself staring at him and it’s so damn sexy I’m pretty sure I could orgasm from watching him. Who knew a man holding a guitar like it’s his woman and singing could be so damn sexy?

I’ve been around guys in college who thought playing a guitar was an aphrodisiac, but I never found it tempting. Maybe it was more the guy than the guitar playing.
