Page 21 of Loki's Flame

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I made my way behind the bar and selected two large glasses and filled them both with the draft beer. When I placed them in front of the bodyguards, they both nodded their heads but didn't comment.

“Why don’t you sit while we wait?” Piotr gestured to the chair opposite him.

“Oh, that’s kind, but really I can’t.” I said, keeping my polite smile in place.

“Nonsense. I’m Piotr.”

“Ivy,” I said, just as Felix came from the back. I walked toward the bar to mention the GlenDronach. Felix's eyes widened. I guessed it was not a popular choice with his patrons.

“Yeah, give me a few minutes to get it from our storeroom,” Felix confirmed.

I walked back to Piotr to relay the news when he said, “I got a taste for GlenDronach when I went to college in the UK.”

“Oh, where did you go?” I was curious where his accent was from because it definitely wasn’t British.


“That’s impressive. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Poland. You don’t sound local to New Orleans. What about you?”

“Oh, I’m from Texas.” I smiled and touched the back of the chair.

“I’ve never been. Work keeps me busy,” he smiled.

Felix came back through the door with the bottle and he began working on getting Piotr’s order. I don’t comment, as the last thing I wanted to do was ask him about his work. It was just a feeling, but I didn’t really want to know more about that.

I moved to get his drink, and I felt his eyes on me. Was he a harmless flirt? I wasn’t getting bad vibes really, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I shook my head slightly as I came back to the table and placed the drink in front of him.

“Let me know if I can get you anything else. I’m going to clean up.”

“Thanks Ivy,” he said and I’m relieved he didn’t ask me to talk more. I got the cleaning bottle and started wiping down the other tables.

Piotr didn’t overtly stare at me, but I could feel his eyes on me periodically. I was about to ask him if he needed another drink when Bones came into the bar. I recognized Bones from the party at Loki’s house.

“Piotr, didn’t realize you were already here.”

“I wanted to enjoy a drink,” he said, gesturing to his nearly empty glass. I moved to a new table and sprayed the chemical, trying to make my eavesdropping less obvious. With so few of us in the bar right now, it was hard not to be obvious.

He took the last swig from his glass and stood. “Loki in his office?” Bones nodded and Piotr looked over at me, “It was nice meeting you Ivy.”

“Thanks, you too,” I smiled and watched all the men walk out.

Felix said from behind me, “he’s the only one who ever asks for GlenDronach, outside of Loki.”

“Oh,” I said, wondering how Loki and Piotr knew each other. I gasped when I went back to the table and saw he’d left 5 $100 bills.

Chapter 18


The tumbler went flying across the room, hitting the wall. It littered the carpet with varying pieces of glass. Piotr’s chest was heaving, and I expected steam to come out of his nose and ears like in a cartoon. I was sitting in my leather office chair, staring at his profile. The anger radiated off him in stark waves.

“What the fuck, Loki!” Piotr’s voice raised with frustration.

“I’ll pay for the missing guns. We will find them though.”

“That will not appease these motherfuckers in Columbia. They want the hardware!”
