Page 13 of Zeus's Sinner

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"You and I both know that there’s no one here, so screaming isn't going to do anything but piss me off.

I can hear the words that are coming out of his mouth and as much as I want to abide by them, I can't help the whimpering and squealing sounds that are coming out of my mouth even as he holds on to my lips.

"Hey, I said, close your mouth." He snaps at me and big tears come streaming down my face.

In that second, I can see the very glimmer of pity in his eyes. He doesn't want to do this to me.

Inessa, I didn't come here to hurt you. I'd really like not to hurt you, but if you keep squirming around like that, I'm going to have to do something that neither you nor I want me to do. Calm down, even if it's just a little bit." He tells me and swipes is finger down to my cheek a second before he moves his hand from my mouth, but only to drop them down to my neck. I've stopped crying, and my eyes are stuck on his. I want him off me, but I also want to know what he intends to do with me.

I should be out of my mind with fear and even though I am, I'm also out of my mind with arousal. His hand wrapped around my throat and those light-brown eyes staring right into mine has my heart thundering in my chest. The way his other hands travels my body like he was the one who drew the map outlining every one of my curves, is pushing me past a place that I'm comfortable. When his hands get down to my midsection, I shiver at the feel of it. His mouth curls up into a smirk. It's so humiliating, so embarrassing.

He moves in just a little closer and tugs at the beaded rope that cinches my habit to my body. He pulls it off and the long rope swing back and forth to the side of me.

"Put your hands up, lamb." He says, and it takes me a second to realize he's talking about me. I do what he asks, and I squeak out in surprise when he tightens his grip on my neck at the same time moving my legs apart with his knee and pushing between my legs, so I was basically sitting on his thigh. In one swift motion, he lifts me, so only my tip toes are on the ground, and then he uses the rope from around my waist to tie my hands to the lantern hook that should hold the light for our rooms. It's an old structure, but it's not something I can pull down easily. When he gets me tied up to his liking and moves away from me, I miss the contact immediately. I force myself not to allow any noises out of my mouth.

He puts his hand down to his pants and feels the spot where I was just sitting down.

"Oh, my lamb, you're wet. Does this get you off?" He asks, and I turn my head, so my eyes don't have to look at him any longer. I can't let him embarrass me like this.

Whatever I'm feeling right now is not because I'm attracted to him, but because he's got me in this adrenaline producing situation. It's adrenaline. Just the adrenaline. My soul accepts that answer and I go about ignoring the man who seems to want to goad me into talking to him.

"Inessa, don't be rude. I already told you that I'm not here to hurt you, I just need to talk to you. I thought you'd be away. I can't say I'm not happy that you are here. I was looking forward to seeing you again."

"Stop it." I hiss out, but don't look at him.

"Stop what? I'm not telling you a lie. I meant every word that I just said."

"You aren't here to make friends Mr. Reese. You're not here for penance, you're here to do something illegal. In fact, you've already done it, so don't talk to me like I'm stupid. I can see what's going on right in front of me." I snip at him.

"I'm hoping so. I'm hoping you noticed something going on right in front of you, and you'll tell me what it is, so I can get out of here and go home to where the sunshine actually warms me."

My eyebrows furrow as I think about what he's said.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"I'm saying our dear Father Joseph is hiding something here, and I need to know what it is." Mr. Reese says and stands up to get closer to my face.

"I don't know what it is. I don't know anything about what Father Joseph does in here. I simply complete my chores and pray with my sisters, anything else is not my concern.

"Prayers. You're devout, are you not?" Mr. Reese asks me.

"I am. Vowed only to the Lord God." I tell him, but even as the words come out of my mouth, I'm a bit shocked by how hesitant they sound coming off my tongue. I will not let one incident shake my faith.

"I thought so, then you wouldn't want to break any of your vows simply because you intended to keep a secret for someone who is already doing more harm than good to the community that they're in. I promise you, whatever it is that Father Joseph is into isn't something that you want to have in the convent. Tell me what it is, and I will let you be." He says, and I can't stop the curiosity as it floods my mind.

"And if I don't ?" I say testing him.

"If you don't I'm going to force you to feel every last thing that you've been missing. Break those vows one by one until there's nothing more. And then I'll go find what I'm looking for on my own while I leave you strung up here. "

"You wouldn't!" I hiss at him and before the end of the syllable is out of my mouth, Mr. Reese lifts my chin roughly and kisses me. This isn't the sloppy, inexperienced kisses of the boys in high school that I've experienced. No, this is a kiss of man that knows exactly what he's doing. He guides my tongue and slides deep inside my mouth until instead of fighting him off, I'm leaning forward into his grasp and following his lead. He runs his hands down my back side and give my ass a little squeeze.

I moan, and he captures the sound with his mouth. I feel his erection pressing against my leg, and it's only then that I pull my face from his grasp.

"Please, please stop. It's not right."

He huffs out a few breaths before he takes a step back.

"Lamb, tell me, are you pure?"
