Page 15 of Zeus's Sinner

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"Take me there." I order her, and she turns on her heel, walking in front of me, leading me down to the basement. While I should have been paying attention to my surrounding, I found myself being hypnotized by the sway of her ass. I wanted to see what she looked like under that habit. When they make it to the basement, there is nothing down there that looks out of place, but I was already confident that if this was the place that she said the man in the suit had come, there was something down here that the good father was hiding. At least that's what he told Desmon.

It took a few hours actually and Inessa actually helped me look through the boxes that were there and under an old milk carton, all the way in the back and covered in what looked like dust was a new-looking suitcase and a printer paper box right next to it.

"Does this seem like something that belongs to one of your sisters?" I ask, not wanting to open something that was personal to her or someone else in the convent.

She leaned forward slightly and took a peak at the imprinted designer logo on the leather of the suitcase. "Hermes. No, absolutely not. We all took a vow of poverty, none of us here can afford a Hermes suitcase." She tells me, shaking her head furiously.

"That's what I thought. Okay, back up a bit, please." I tell her, and she furrows her brows at me.

"It's for your own safety. I truly don't know what's in here and if it's something that might harm you I'd rather you be far away from it as possible." I say, making sure to keep my voice strong, just so she doesn't think to fight back.

"Fine." She scoots back from where we are sitting down working and I open the suitcase. Inside that suitcase is another case made from an industrial metal like material. I click that open as well. And nearly shit my pants when I see the first few letters of the label.

I close both cases right away, not even bothering to find out what else was in it. I saw enough.

I know better than to fuck with anything that says radioactive.



“What is it?"I try to lean forward, but Zeus starts to move me back even further.

"Nothing we need to be messing with. Let's go back upstairs, I need to call my boss." he tells me, but I yank my hand out of his grasp.

"Tell me what's in there." I point over my shoulder.

He huffs out a breath, "Fine, if you really want to know it looks like fucking plutonium or some other radio active material that we don't need to be around. It could be getting us sick." He says, and I stare at him, waiting for him to tell me that he's joking or something like that. There’s no way that Father Joseph would ever put us in risk like that.

He loves us.

When Zeus doesn't say anything else, I let him move me back further.

"What about the other box? You think there's something like that in there as well?"

His eyes scan the room for the copy paper box that we pushed to the side, "No, wait right here." He grabs the other box and opens the top one quick time before he lifts it and walks back in my direction.

When he gets to me, he grabs my arm with his free hand and totes me back up the stairs, getting further away from the radioactive material.

We sit on the first floor in the kitchen, and he opens up the box to take the contents out. At first, it just looks like the birth certificate and other records of a few children. Then there are other records for older women.

"What is all this."

"It looks like this is a trafficking ring. They are going to sell off these babies to those that can afford, and the women to anyone who wants to auction them." Zeus tells me as he continues to over the records.

"No. This can't be right. You have to be telling me a lie." I say and pull some of the papers out of his hand.

"I'm not. Unfortunately, the person that I work for isn't much better than the one that I'm trying to save Father Joseph from, but we don't do shit like this. Our stuff may not be legal, but we make sure that we don't hurt more people than we have to. If you want proof, how's this."

He pulls out his phone and after cursing for a few minutes and moving it around so that he was able to get a better signal, he types something in and shows me a picture of a missing child report that went up about three days ago. He then pushes one of the files in my direction, it was of the same child up to be sold for a private adoption. He was telling me the truth. While he continued to look for whatever it was that he needed, I just looked over all the photos of the women and children and thought about the fact that there was some sort of hazardous material downstairs, right beneath where we all slept and ate. I joined this order because I was convinced that I was in the right place. Somewhere, the congregation truly cared about their followers and the people who served them.

If I took everything that Zeus was telling me to heart, then it was the opposite. It was because of them that there was more pain and sorrow in the world, and I was adding to it.

A bout of tears racked my body and in a surprising move, instead of telling me to shut up, Zeus drops what he's doing and pulls me into an embrace. Not a sexual one, the way he did back in my room, but just one of comfort. I cried for a little while until I became so sleepy I could barely keep my eyes open.

"I think I have everything that I need. I will stay true to my word and leave now." He tells me and gathers the paperwork, but leaves the radioactive material behind down in the basement.

"O...okay." I sniffle out, but part of me really wants to ask him to stay. I've been fighting my need for companionship for a long while, and now that I'm finding out that the people I vowed to serve the lord with are nothing more than crooks and evildoer's I'm feeling just a bit unsteady in my decisions. Still, I know keeping him here overnight is only asking for trouble.
