Page 76 of Bitter Sweet Heart

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“He had an early morning and a busy day,” Mom adds. Her gaze moves over my face, and her hands rest on my biceps. “You look tired, honey. Lots of late-night studying?”

I nod. “Yeah. I’ll catch up over the break.”

Shehmms and picks a piece of lint off my shirt. “Some of the boys are planning to go to the arena early tomorrow morning, so be prepared for a knock on your door first thing. And then your dad and I are taking off for a couple of days with the rest of the old people.”

“Another one of those last-minute vacay deals Dad couldn’t resist organizing?” They do this almost every year—disappear for a couple of days with their friends right before the family descends for the holidays.

“Mmm . . . You know what he’s like. We’ll only be gone for two nights. Then the grandparents will arrive. I’ll leave all the details for you.”

“Okay. Sounds good.” At least it gives me a couple of days to shake the funk I’m in. Hopefully.

The final credits start to roll.

“I’m going to bed, but you two are welcome to watch whatever you want.” She kisses me on the cheek. When she pulls back, her expression is questioning. “What’s the smell?”

I sniff my shirt. “Laundry detergent?”

She shakes her head. “It’s citrusy and festive? Like, cloves, maybe?”

“Dunno. Soap or something probably.” I force myself to maintain eye contact. I know exactly what the smell is. Clover’s body wash, shampoo, and hand soap are all the same brand.

She pats my shoulder. “Well, whatever it is, it smells nice. See you two in the morning.” She crosses over and kisses Lavender on the cheek, then heads down the hall.

I drop down on the other end of the couch from my sister.

“You’re arriving rather late.” She pops a piece of popcorn into her mouth and doesn’t miss this time.

“I had shit to take care of.”

She gives me the eye, sets her popcorn on the table, and leans across the couch until she’s only a couple inches away from me.

“What are you doing?”

She grabs my shirt and sniffs loudly. “You smell like . . . a woman.”

“I ran out of my body wash and had to use what was available.”

“Why didn’t you tell Mom that?” She sits back, eyeing me with suspicion.

“Why does it matter?”

She nods several times, slowly. “Answering a question with a question. I’ll let it go for now, but I think you’re hiding something. Or someone.”

“Whatever. Where’s River?”

“Probably sexting Josiah. He should tell Mom and Dad he’s gay already, and then Josiah could come here for New Year’s or something.”

“I don’t understand why he’s dragging his feet on this.”

“Probably because he doesn’t want to have an awkward conversation with either of them about safe anal.”

“Well, that’s legit.” I make a face. “I can’t even imagine what that conversation would look like with Dad. I feel like he’d be all concerned about Josiah with the Waters curse and all.” I point to my crotch unnecessarily.

Lavender spit-sprays her cooler and swipes the back of her hand across her mouth. “Oh my God. The conversations with Josiah are way TMI.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sometimes Josiah forgets River is my twin and there are things I don’t want to know about his sex life.” She gives me an arched eyebrow.
