Page 12 of Taken By the King

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Pushing the gun against my skin, he tilted my face up, forcing me to hold his gaze. The metal was as cold as his sinister glare. All it would take was for him to pull the trigger and my brains would explode all over these luxury leather seats.

“Now, do you have more questions for me?” The mouth of the gun pressed further into my flesh. It took all the muscles in my body to maintain eye contact and regulate my breathing. But I must not have been so convincing because a few seconds later, he flexed back his hand. His eyes twinkled in a way that injected more fear in me. “That’s what I thought.”


Sebastian moved to create more distance between us and I waited until his attention was back on his phone before releasing a breath. As tension whooshed out of my body, I could feel the clothes clinging to my skin. I pulled the sweatshirt to cover my palm then brought it to my forehead to dry my moist forehead.

When I had recovered, I checked out my surroundings again, watching the scenery pass by. Occasionally, I would pretend to drink water from my bottle and steal glances at Sebastian. He had abandoned his phone and was now staring ahead. From the way his jaw was clenched into a hard line, it seemed he hadn’t been exaggerating when he said the deal was important to him. It also meant he wouldn’t hesitate to drive a bullet through my skull if I messed up.

“Get out,” he said, suddenly turning to find me admiring his big arms absent-mindedly. Shame washed over me and I blinked profusely.


His features softened a little. The expression on his face wasn’t hostile but not kind, either. He seemed … surprised.

My own actions confused me, too. How could I find my captor attractive in any way, shape, or form? How could my hands itch even for a second to touch the same arms he used to maim or kill people?


“Follow me.” He opened his door and stepped out. It was then that I realized we had arrived at our destination. Recalling our earlier conversation, I pushed open my door and did what he asked. Cool air wrapped around me and I instantly felt better.

We were parked in front of a high-end store. Sebastian waited for me at the entrance, daring me to make a run for it. I sighed and walked to him.

As soon as we stepped inside, a woman who looked to be around twenty-five welcomed us. She was dressed in a maxi dress with a long side slit that stopped a few inches from her waist. Her wavy brown hair was gathered in a high ponytail with a few strands falling to both sides of her angular face.

“Hey, stranger.” She hugged Sebastian, briefly rubbing his shoulders. “I have missed you.”

“Well, here I am.” He winked, then smiled—a broad, genuine smile. My insides twisted in knots to see such a side of him existed. A differentside. Sweet and harmless—just not with me. I was used to his sardonic expressions and hearing him bark orders, so now I was convinced he wasn’t human, but an entirely different species.

Maybe the brunette was his girlfriend. The light in her eyes and Sebastian’s improved mood was evidence of their chemistry. I wondered if she knew what he did for a living.

“I have a suit that will look great on you,” she gushed, flashing him a saleswoman smile. “It’s by this Italian designer. He is not famous but I promise his talent speaks for him. It’s in your size…”

“Some other time, perhaps? I’m in a hurry.” He touched her arm, then gestured to me. “Please find her nice outfits for work.” A bored look I’d seen before came over his face as he assessed my appearance. I was instantly reminded I had the value of a gnat in his eyes. “Do something to her hair as well. It’s too … plain.”

Instinctively, I ran my fingers through my strawberry blonde hair, feeling despondent. How dare he insult my mane? It was my most attractive feature. Just because I forgot to brush it didn’t mean it wasplain.

“I’m Karla.” The woman gave me a strained smile. Her eyes scanned me from head to toe. I could see her head spinning with all kinds of questions, starting with how someone like me could be with someone like Sebastian.

“Don’t worry. I will take care of her.” To me, she said, “This will be fun. Follow me.”

As we passed rows of women’s clothing, Karla piled dresses and pants on her arm, muttering how lucky I was to be a size six as it meant that every garment in her store could look good on me. I didn’t want to burst her bubble so I ignored her comment.

There was a reason why I didn’t make any effort when it came to my appearance. I stuck to jeans, t-shirts, and flannel shirts. I didn’t have a cheerleader’s legs so I looked awkward in dresses. My boobs had stopped growing the day I turned fifteen so there was no point in wearing tight clothing. I also didn’t own high heels.

When Karla decided we had enough of a selection, she showed me to the fitting room.

“Try all of them.” She shooed me inside. “In the meantime, I’ll select some shoes.”

The first outfit was a white pants suit that gave the illusion of curves. To my surprise, I actually liked it. The material was soft and not easily creased. Unfortunately, it also required one to have some cleavage. Or, in my case, to wear a camisole underneath to take the attention off my chest.

“Found anything you like so far?” Karla asked.

I tore my gaze from the mirror and pushed the curtain aside. She was standing outside with at least five pairs of shoes on her arm. How did she manage to gather them all in under three minutes?

“Maybe?” I went ahead to explain my dilemma but she wouldn’t hear any of it.

“Nonsense. Push up bras were invented for a reason.” She winked. “You will see what I mean in a minute. Don’t take it off.”
