Page 34 of Taken By the King

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No one knew this ceremony was even happening today. Pedro had taken care of everything and I was certain the priest would be aware of the consequences if he talked.

“Is your bride going to arrive here on her own? One of your associates told me you also needed a female witness?” the man asked.

“Yes, I hope that wasn’t an issue?”

“No, a local lady agreed to be at the ceremony. She should be here shortly.”

“And she can be trusted, right? I believe you explained to this lady that she must not speak of this wedding to anyone otherwise there will be severe consequences,” I warned him before taking my jacket off. The heat had become unbearable and my nerves were eating me alive. The wedding in Vegas had taken a mere half an hour and then we were in the bedroom. This however felt completely different.

The temperatures were soaring and I kept glancing nervously at my watch, wondering why Marinka was taking so long.

The priest paled a little and then let go of a nervous laugh.

“Yes, yes, Mr. Dimitrei. She will keep it all to herself,” he assured me. “I also wanted to thank you for your generous donation.”

We stood by the altar, waiting.

“Good,” I replied with a nod.

Finally, another car pulled outside and I heard the door closing then shutting. It was showtime as my bride had at last decided to grace me with her presence.

I flexed my hands while beads of sweat ran down my back. Soon, she walked inside the church. When I saw her, my heart made a flip inside my chest. There was no doubt that Marinka Shevchenko was a very beautiful woman. I absolutely loved her dress, made from a simple, shiny, and smooth white fabric that exposed her arms and neck. I kept staring, completely absorbed and mesmerized by how well the Frenchwoman had done her hair and makeup. She looked breathtaking and so natural with her wavy blond hair framing her face.

If I didn’t know anything about her, I’d have said she looked like a virgin walking down the aisle, seeing her husband-to-be for the first time ever.

She walked toward me holding a bouquet of pink roses, and when she got close, my dick went as hard as fucking steel. Right here, in the house of God.

What the hell was happening to me? I wasn’t one to get so wrapped up in a woman. Any woman.

“Hello, Sebastian,” she said quietly, smiling with the same innocence as I was now familiar with. That sweet voice… The voice of a girl who was at least twelve years younger than me, who I was forcing to marry me so she could pay off her father’s debt—I had to remember that.

But I didn’t fucking feel this way when Russina had walked down the aisle towards me in Vegas.

“Are we ready to get started?” I asked the priest, ripping my eyes off her and dragging my hand through my black hair. She was just fucking perfect and I couldn’t stand it.

“Yes, Madame Boie is here now. What about your witness, Mr. Dimitrei?” I waved my hand, giving a sign to Pedro to come inside the church. The Frenchwoman situated herself to the right, standing close to Marinka and studying her closely. She would double as a witness because the fewer people were involved, the better.

“Great. In that case, let’s begin. In the name of the Father…” The priest started with the ceremony and we were asked to sit in front of him. Marinka’s light floral scent drifted to my nostrils, and her thigh brushed against mine as she settled in the chair, sending another jolt of heat rushing through my fucking groin.

How did I not notice how naturally beautiful and guileless she looked when she’d been living in my penthouse for weeks? Was I fucking blind?

“Thank you for Madame Boie. She was the sweetest lady and when she showed me this dress, I knew it was the one,” Marinka whispered while the priest continued on, saying all the prayers. This whole ceremony was going to be short—no mass or frivolities. Just the actual vows, which we’d keep simple enough.

Still, I was glad we were here, half-way across the world where nobody would suspect. I was apprehensive about having to get married in America. My enemies were everywhere, people talked too fucking much, and I just didn’t want to run into any problems.

I glanced at her, surprised that she was thanking me and regarding me with such gratitude. Savage heat wracked through me then. I was suddenly glad I’d planned this whole thing. Just to see her expression right then, it had been worth the hassle.

I nodded, attempting to compose myself. My mind kept wondering off to that time in the club when I punished her on that pool table. She’d been so wet for me, so soaked … Fuck. I needed a cold shower.

Around twenty minutes later, we were asked to stand and join our hands together. I cleared my throat, aware of how fast things were progressing. I quickly wrapped my hands around Marinka’s soft fingers and drowned my gaze into her blue eyes.

She stared back and heat radiated through her skin, while her delicate perfume entwined around me. From her wide eyes and wondrous expression, it seemed she was enjoying this, as if she’d immersed herself in a dream world.

Like a child in a fantasy land… I couldn’t forget how young and inexperienced she was. I couldn’t detach from reality.

“Now, it’s time for your wedding vows. Please repeat after me, Marinka,” the priest said.

“I, Marinka Shevchenko, take you, Sebastian Dimitrei, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
