Page 38 of Taken By the King

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“Are you ready, Marinka?” another voice brought me back to reality. Sebastian was staring at us with cold eyes. That was my cue to shoot away from Alex’s grip. Holy shit.

“Yes,” I mumbled, letting go of the cocktail menu and feeling my whole face flush.

Sebastian’s hard gaze was now focused entirely on Alex.

“Good, go to the beach and have a dip in the sea,” he said, his tone brooking no argument.

That’s when I knew I was in trouble. Damn, why did I always have to mess everything up?

I started walking and glanced behind me right when I was by the door, seeing that Sebastian was saying something to Alex. I quickly ran to the private sandy beach located a few steps outside the hotel.

When I spotted Pedro standing there, I relaxed a little. The beach was stunning, quiet as it was, the sun was shining, and the sand was so hot I could barely keep my bare feet on it. I laid my towel down, took off my dress, and then decided to run into the water.

There was no point in toying with the idea and the salty water was so refreshing. I suddenly forgot about the earlier accident, the fact that I wasn’t here of my own volition, and just swam.

I didn’t know how long I was in the water, but I drifted on the waves for some time. Later on, when I glanced towards the beach, I spotted Sebastian standing there. He wasn’t alone, but with another man. He was still in his blue suit and at first, I thought he was talking to Pedro, but he was by the rocks, keeping his usual guard.

Whoever it was, he and Sebastian seemed to be having a heated discussion about something.



My mind was cloudedwith anger. I mumbled something to Alex and then decided to walk away because I thought I was going to kill him with my bare hands. He touched what was mine. He fucking put his dirty hands on her ass and she just stood there, like a ragdoll.

Rage ran through my veins like melted lava, burning my cells. My breath was labored and every muscle in my body was strained.

I walked outside, heading towards the beach. Marinka was probably already swimming in the ocean, unaware that one of the most dangerous members of the Russian Mafia now stood in front of me. I recognized him straight away because he used to deal with Marinka’s old man. I had no fucking clue how he’d found me here, but his appearance distracted me instantly. I knew I was going to deal with Alex later on. He’d be lucky if he was still alive by come dinnertime.

“Beautiful day, isn’t it?” he said, looking around was as though admiring the view, but he couldn’t fucking bullshit me.

“What are you doing here, Petrovsky?” I asked, getting straight to the point.

“I know you somehow messed your deal with the Italians, Dimitrei,” Marcus stated, smiling at me. He was a short man, but broad and stocky. He had dark shaggy hair and wore a white suit.

I noticed Pedro had moved closer to us, but I shook my head, letting him know I had this under control, even if I didn’t. Marcus had a gun on him, so Pedro didn’t need to get involved. Not yet at least.

It would appear at first glance that Marcus was here on his own, but I wasn’t buying it. I wondered where his men would be. He didn’t travel without them.

Cold sweat ran down my back. He knew Vinny hadn’t shown through and he also knew I was in France. This made me very nervous, and Petrovsky’s presence here told me that he was after something.

I worried about my other man, Andreas. I hoped he was all right. He was supposed to be guarding the hotel from across the road.

Petrovsky must have been watching me for a while, but he couldn’t have known about the wedding or the fact that Russina was dead. I glanced towards the sea, seeing that Marinka now noticed him too because she stopped drifting started swimming toward the shore.

This was complicating things and I had to wrap this meeting really quick in case he insisted on meeting Marinka.

“Then you know you’re very wrong, my friend. This deal is going through as we speak,” I said, feeling I was going to lose my shit as everything was crumbling. If Marinka had any brain behind that skull, she was going to stay in the water—otherwise, Petrovsky needed to disappear.

He laughed and it was a loud joyful laugh, which surprised me a little.

“I think you’re a bit optimistic, Dimitrei, and it’s probably because your wife still clouds your judgment,” he added when Marinka started walking towards us.

Fuck, he needed to leave now. I couldn’t fucking protect her if she was going to parade with her black bikini in front of a Russian mobster. The guy once ripped someone’s heart out with his bare hands, then ate it. He was dangerous and sadistic.

His eyes narrowed as he glanced at my wife. I shifted my weight to the side, filled with rage and worry.

“What are youreallydoing here, Petrosvky?” I asked again, because I was fed up playing this cat and mouse game.
