Page 42 of Taken By the King

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Did he have something to do with this?

Hell, no—it couldn’t be. I didn’t want to believe he would have done anything to sabotage Alex’s business because the man dared touch me.Oh my God…

“What happened? The fire couldn’t have just started like that?” I asked him, but I didn’t think he heard me. A small smile appeared on his handsome face, so I repeated the question.

“Well … from now on he will know not to touch what’s mine,” Sebastian whispered to me, his voice coming out like a whisper of the shadow of death.

My blood ran cold, but he didn’t give me much time to think about this because he pushed me towards the exit, where a car was already waiting for us.

I didn’t even have a chance to talk to him in the car. He sat with Pedro in the front.

That afternoon, we moved to another hotel situated farther down the road. Sebastian let me sunbathe on the private beach in the evening, but this time his people were all over the place. He must have called a few other men because I saw a few new faces standing guard.

I sat on my own after Sebastian disappeared somewhere. This time I had on my own bikini, and I tried to enjoy the weather and the stunning sea. There were more guests in this hotel—many Russians and Spanish, but I didn’t dare speak to anyone.

I thought about what Sebastian had done to Alex. He’d ruined his business because the man put his hands on me. He must have set up that fire, I had no doubts about it now.

Attempting to shake off the strain of it all, I went for a long swim and at sunset, Pedro walked me to the hotel restaurant.

I ordered some food to be delivered my room, hoping Sebastian would come back so we could talk. He didn’t show up. My thoughts raced back to earlier, to what he had done to me. He’d asserted himself as my master and rightful owner. I wanted to deny that I enjoyed the fantasy this conjured, but in truth I lusted for more of what felt like a forbidden pleasure.

After I ate my food, I ran my hand down my leg, tracing the bumpy skin, the scars I inflicted on myself. It always felt better afterward, especially when I saw the blood, but even then, the pain remained. I had never been closer to anyone than I’d been with Nicolas. However, my brother was gone and all I had were the memories.

My mind harkened to the most horrible one of when he was trying to tell my mother something important. My brother was scrawny and tall. Everyone always made fun of him during family parties, and he never took it well. Mum used to hate it, yet she never tried to defend him.

I watched from the hallway,praying for her to react the way she was supposed to.

“I’m listening, Nicolas, and what is so important that you had to interrupt my favourite television show?” she squealed.

I just wanted to barge in there and fucking tell her straight that she had to focus on him. That idiotic show was not important. He had been trying to tell her for so long, but he was always so afraid of how she’d take the news. I thought it would have been easier if he told Dad first, but he was never home.

She just wasn’t part of our lives.

His gaze moved down to his feet and he fiddled with his fingers was as though still waiting for the right moment. Tension filled his features.

“I’m gay, Mum. There’s no point in hiding this anymore and I just want you to know,” he whispered.

I gasped as he finally said those words to her. We had been practicing this speech for so long and in that moment, I was incredibly proud of him.

I waited for my mother to process this information. I didn’t think she even heard him at first, but then her pupils suddenly dilated, her eyes went wide, and she slowly rose from her super comfortable couch to face him.

“What did you just say to me, Nicolas?” she asked, going instantly red—and I instantly knew this wasn’t a good sign. None of this was going as we both had been hoping.

“That I’m gay. I’m in love with a man and he’s—”

“Don’t you fucking say another word, young man. You’re not going to bring shame into this family!” she shouted, cutting him off.

Her demeanor shifted, going from calm and peaceful to vicious bulldog that was ready to attack at any moment.

Nick took a few steps back, then dragged his hand through his hair. A gesture he made when he was insecure … losing his confidence. He needed to remember to stand his ground. Our mother was a psycho, but she had never lost her shit so openly. This was new to me, too.

“Well, it’s the truth,” he retorted, and I silently declared victory, thinking she’d surely back down now.

Instead, she took a few steps towards him so her face was only inches from his. Her upper lip was trembling.

“You’re not gay, Nicolas. Don’t be ridiculous. You cannot be homosexual. This family cannot handle it. Shake it off, you weak, weak child. My only son, the heir to this family fortune, cannot be swinging the other direction,” she shrieked like she’d completely lost her goddamn mind.

I gaped, hardly believing she would insult him like that. What was wrong with her?
