Page 53 of Taken By the King

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Yes, he was definitely on the mend and striving to be his arrogant self. He thought I’d just fall down at his feet and let him use me like that—and well, maybe I just would.

I knew I would.

I wondered if Sebastian would be gentle with me, make my first time less awkward and uncomfortable, but I doubted it.

I rolled my eyes, then got up and went to retrieve a black bag Penelope had left in his room, containing painkillers and other needed medical supplies.

“How many do you want? How is the pain level this morning?” I asked.

“Just get a couple more of the ones the doctor gave me yesterday. They’re in a blue box. I think I should be fine in a couple of days,” he replied.

I shook my head, filling a glass with some water.

“I think you’re being very optimistic if you think you will be able to move freely in a few days. If you have broken ribs, you’re looking at six to eight weeks of healing time,” I explained and then kneeled down in front of him, because I knew he couldn’t even sit up yet.

He raised his left eyebrow, giving me that long look that made me hot in all the indecent places.

“With a nurse like you, I’m sure I will be out and about in no time.” I held his head up while he popped the pills in his mouth, then chased them down with some water. It was such a simple act, but the intimacy made my stomach flutter. Even injured as he was, Sebastian was hard to resist.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” I asked with a sigh. I ignored his bold perusal of my lips, then my chest. He was acting nonchalant, his usual irreverent self, but I wasn’t fooled. He was still very much in pain.

“A guy I know from the Italian mob insulted a friend of mine, the owner of the restaurant we were in, and things went south from there, he said. Then he shifted his head and closed his eyes, his expression rigid. He was hurting. Maybe the painkillers would start to work soon.

“What? So, Andreas was shot because of an insult?” I asked in disbelief.

“It’s a bit more complicated than that. Andreas was protecting me and the guy in question was getting on my nerves. I wanted him dead, but sadly he is still alive,” he replied.

I didn’t understand any of it, but this was the mafia world. Anything could happen. Sebastian kept his eyes shut and it was still pretty early, so I decided to leave him alone. I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

From then on, we set up a new routine, and spoke to Penelope about it since I needed space and time to do what I needed. I’d found out Andreas had been moved to the hospital. There’d been no choice as he needed to be operated on, so Sebastian and I were alone, apart from the alternating guards who now stayed outside the penthouse. I cooked and took care of him, then we talked in short spurts in between, but he was mostly resting. Several hours after he woke up from a long nap, he asked for his iPad and phone. He wanted to check on Andreas, but there was still no news. Pedro showed up then, so I left them both to talk.

“You know he should be resting. He’s not strong enough for too much excitement,” I said, walking back to the living room half an hour later.

Sebastian kept his expression blank but I could tell he was exhausted. Pedro jumped up to his feet, looking uncomfortable.

“All right then. Boss—”

“Pedro, I think you should get Sebastian some dinner. I can’t cook very well, but he could really do with warm chicken soup,” I cut him off.

Pedro scratched his head and glanced at Sebastian, looking for some sort of confirmation, but I started pushing him towards the door. My mobster was badly injured and now I was in charge. He needed to get his strength and I needed help in the meal-making department.

“Now wait for him to come back with food and try to rest,” I ordered, and was surprised Sebastian didn’t start arguing with me.

When Pedro returned, he brought everything I’d asked for. I was happy when he managed to eat several spoonfuls of healing broth. I had to feed him, of course.

The next day, my further attempts and fixing a meal were a bust. I could make simple things and heat up frozen dinners, but Sebastian needed something more nutritious in him. So I finally caved and Penelope arrived at my request to make several dishes for us to eat over the next few days. Then, we wouldn’t need to bother Pedro anymore.

Sebastian got decidedly grumpy and difficult, especially when I was changing his bandages—he was not an easy patient. He was still in a lot of pain, but at least he didn’t look anymore like he’d been hit by a truck and left for dead. The swelling around his face went down, but he was struggling with the pain in his ribs.

“You have done a great job with Mr. Dimitrei, but you need to make sure he won’t strain himself because the injury will take longer to heal,” Penelope said, after spending all day in the kitchen.

“How do you know all this?” I asked her. She went a little red.

“I studied nursing for a few months in Puerto Rico, but I never finished the course because I moved here,” she replied.

“The doctor should return soon to check in on him,” I assured.

Thanking her for the food and help, I went to my room. I needed some space away from Sebastian and his demands to clear my head. A shower did wonders for my state of mind. After checking in on him one last time and finding him asleep, I retreated to my sanctuary to read, drifting off to a world of slumber a mere half page later...
