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“I know that with your father’s memory, you–” she started, but she was not allowed to finish.

“I was wrong,” he said plainly. “I was a slave to the memory of my father. You know that is not me any longer. It has not been me since I met you. I used to think that marriage was not for me and especially children. But I realized that my life is my own. It does not belong to my father. What he did with his was his own affair. What I do with mine is for me to decide. And I have decided that I want it all with you, Bridget. Love, marriage, children. As many children as you want.”

“Let’s just start with this one,” she chuckled.

“Maybe they will be twins,” he teased.

“Oh, goodness,” she shook her head at him, laughing melodiously. “I hope not.”

“And I hope that however many children we have, they will have your beautiful soul.” He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his lips to her forehead.

The mastiff started to jump around them joyfully. Even he could understand it was a tender moment, and he wished to be a part of it.

“Have you decided what to name him?” she wondered.

“Pluto,” he said. He had not been thinking of any dog names, yet the moment she asked him, the name just came to him. There was no doubt about it. This new addition to their family was Pluto. Even the dog liked it as he barked a few times in concordance. “See? He approves.”

“I do, too,” she smiled, allowing the dog to lick her hand again.

He could not take his eyes off of her sweet face. While this was a wonderful surprise indeed, perhaps they both had some time for him to show her his appreciation in more bodily terms. He swooped her up in his arms and started heading back to the house, carrying her. Her laughter exploded all around them, and the sound never failed to inspire him into causing more of it.

“Where are you taking me?” She pretended to mind being carried.

“I told you, my arms are the place you belong,” he reminded her softly. “Now, I wish to show you my gratitude in a way a man should.”

She chuckled again, loving the attention he was lavishing on her.

“You vile, wicked man,” she pouted.

He gave her a soft peck on the lips. “Admit it,” he teased. “You would not have me any other way.”

The End?
