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She feared that Arthur might not see it as she would. Even if that were the case, she would still understand him. She would always understand him. If she couldn’t adopt Oliver, she would find some other way to help him. She was certain of that.

“I don’t blame him for any of that,” Arthur said, his voice laden with concern. “He is as much a victim in all of this as I am. That is why I understand him more than anyone else in the entire world – because we suffered the same tragedy.”

Amelia felt all the hurt in her husband’s voice. Even before he gave her his final response, she knew what it would be. She knew it, and it filled her heart with joy.

“I think that young boy deserves a chance in life, the kind of chance not many children get,” he spoke gently as they loomed over the grave of his parents. “If you think that we might be suitable to provide such a thing for him… then I think we should do it.”

“Really?” Amelia exclaimed joyfully, wrapping her arms once again around her husband’s neck, hanging about him like a human necklace. The sight made them both chuckle. “We could start just by having him with us at the house, and then later, if you agree, we can make the whole process official. He could become a part of or family… if, of course, that is what you wish.”

“I wish for everything that you wish,” he assured her, kissing the tip of her nose then wrapping his arms around her waist.

If someone fromthe tonhad seen them in such an intimate embrace, they both knew that they would be the source of gossip once more. Only this time, the bottom line would be that they were so much in love that they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other even at a graveyard. To Amelia, that didn’t sound bad at all. In fact, that would be the best gossip she could imagine for herself.

“I think we should fetch him on the way back home,” Arthur suggested, “and then we could have a nice picnic in the garden. The flowers have begun to bloom.”

“You know, Oliver loves flowers as well,” Amelia pointed out. “He might be able to help you in the garden.”

Arthur smiled. “I would love to have a little helper.”

Amelia snuggled closely to her husband’s chest as his arms pulled her closer to him. She pressed her ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She loved to do that, either with the palm of her hand or with her ear. With each heartbeat, she could sense rightness. It assured her that she was exactly where she was supposed to be, where she had been destined to be. There was not a single doubt in her mind about this.

This bond between them was an everlasting one, even though it might not have started off as all those romances did in Jane’s books. Such romances were for girls like her sister, Amelia thought to herself, while her own romance was as unusual as she herself was. Of course, it was to be expected that her own love story would follow a strange path, much stranger than she could ever have imagined. But in the end, it would still lead her to where she needed to be. It was as simple as that.

When he pulled away from her, she could see that there was one stray tear which rolled down his cheek. Goodness, how she loved this man. What on earth did she do to deserve him, to deserve his love, his protection?

“Let us go home, my love,” he whispered softly to her, taking her by the hand and walking together towards the exit of the graveyard.

Amelia had never felt more at ease at a graveyard before, and she was certain that the protective spirits of her husband’s parents had something to do with that.

The End?
