Page 9 of Aces High

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My heart beats a faster tune and my belly tumbles over itself in excitement. This man has transformed in front of me from an asshole who I should have walked away from to a man that I think I want to show my bedroom to.

He opens his mouth like he might say something, but decides against it and turns his attention back to the road. While he steers the car with his left hand, my eyes are glued to the right hand, watching the way his fingertips draw small, slow circles against my skin.

I find myself waiting for him to move higher, to try to go further, but he doesn’t. His warm hand remains just above my knee, massaging the nerves there. It’s such an innocent touch, but my body is responding as if he has his hands in my panties. Biting my lip, I scoot down in the seat, giving him more access to my leg, should he decide to take it.

“You don’t know me, Brittany,” he whispers into the dark space between us, his voice gruff and tight.

“I don’t have to.” It’s not like tonight is a promise to spend the rest of my life with him. But even though he seems a little rough around the edges, there’s chemistry flowing between us. The simple touches we’ve shared were enough to send my brain on vacation, putting my body in charge of where we go next.

He grips my leg tighter, walking his fingers up another couple of inches as slowly as possible, and the anticipation floods my body with arousal. “I don’t know how to date,” he warns, as if I haven’t already figured that out. “This is all I know.”

“Okay.” I thread my fingers through his and pull his hand up a little higher, settling his hand on my upper thigh. “That’s okay.” I can handle a one-night stand. It’s hard for me to get laid in this town too, and I’m happy just to feel his hand on my leg. It’s okay if he just desires me. He doesn’t have to love me.

“I can’t go bowling with a boner,” he rasps, digging his fingers into the flesh of my inner thigh. “We should stop.”

“I don’t want to go bowling,” I answer, before picking up his hand and placing it back on the gear shifter. “Move into the right lane. You need to take the next exit.”

Chapter Five


Brittany’s house is set apart from everything else down a winding road, but I don’t waste much time checking the place out. My mind is focused on her. I unbuckle my seatbelt first, then hers. My fingers brush against her hip as I press the button to release her, and my other hand reaches for her cheek to draw her across the center console.

Her lips are as soft as I imagined when I press my own there, and there’s a lingering sweetness from those pink margaritas she enjoyed. “Jake,” she whispers against my mouth. “Inside.”

Growing up, my grandma always told my sisters, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’ She was wrong, or at least not one-hundred percent accurate. A man’s heart is sometimes won by speaking to his cock, and that’s what Brittany is doing now. Her words rush down my spine to where pressure is building behind the zipper of my jeans.

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, kissing her once more before throwing my door open and getting out of the truck. “Don’t touch that door.” I can’t be an asshole asshole, but I’ll be a chivalrous asshole. Rushing around to her side after shutting my door, I pull her door open and grip her hips to bring her down to the ground with me.

I push the door closed and lean her against it, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth again so I can savor the fruity flavor. She presses her hand against my chest to create distance between us and takes off toward the complex with my hand. As she hauls me behind her, I manage to hit the button to lock the doors of the truck and shove the fob back in my pocket.

Brittany releases my hand and reaches into her purse for her keys, but being separated from her sends an urgent feeling shooting through my veins, and I put my hand on her cheek to pull her in for another kiss. The keys jingle in her hand, and I’m ready to kick the fucking door in by the time she finally finds the right one and swings the door open. Crossing the threshold weaves a spell around us, and the intensity cranks up a few notches instantly. My hands go under her ass and lift her up to my waist.

Brittany squeals as she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips. “Put me down!”
