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When we reached the store, Sienna jumped out as told. Clinging to her purse, she hurried inside and was back within minutes. We sped away then slowed to a normal pace. At a red light the driver asked if I had anything I really needed in my purse. When I assured him I didn’t need it, he stopped once again at a different store and had Sienna do the same thing. But this time she left my purse, wallet and all. I felt like I was in some kind of spy movie instead of the real world. When we reached the Hawthorne Hotel, a side gate opened for us to enter, then quickly closed.

“You should be safe now, Miss. You don’t have anything else on you that was from before, do you?” he asked.

“No, I left my clothes at the hospital, so that’s it,” I said, realizing I now had nothing, including identification. “Someone should tell Chloe to get rid of my clothes.”

“I’ve already taken care of it.” He smiled for the first time. “Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne are expecting you right through those doors.”

I reached through the window and hugged his neck. He patted my back like a child needing reassurance. That was okay with me. I did need it.

“I don’t know you, but you saved my life today, and I cannot thank you enough.” I wiped at the tears running down my face. “Can I at least know your name?”

“Bond. James Bond.” He laughed and closed the dividing glass.

The back door opened, and Sienna grabbed me by the arm to exit. We appeared to be at the servant side of the hotel. No one seemed to care about us, but I kept my head down just in case. We came to what looked like a service elevator. That is until Sienna slid a card into a slot and the doors opened. I saw her push PH and the elevator whisked us up.

“Sienna, before we go to the next phase, can you tell me what to expect?” I asked. “I’m super grateful and I’ll do whatever is needed, but I’m stuffed, so help me out here.”

“Sure, I should have told you earlier and I had planned to in the car ride, but we know how that went.” She laughed.

“Bloody oath.” I laughed too. “Did you realize we threw out my identification? How am I getting on a plane?”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry. Mr. Hawthorne will handle everything,” Sienna said, pulling me out of the elevator when the doors opened into a lavish lobby. “Next we meet with Kellan and Poppy. You’ll be completely safe in their suites. You’ll get cleaned up and then we’ll video chat with Victoria Hawthorne to move on to the next phase.”

“Okay, I trust you at this point, so let’s go meet the Hawthornes,” I said, then stopped.

“Do they know I don’t look very good, especially to meet a perspective husband?” I wiped at my face trying to wipe away any excess blood, then brushed at my hair. “I still have this wig on. Should I take it off?”

“No, leave it ‘til we’re inside. Besides, I like the red color on you. Now you just need mermaid fins,” Sienna said, turning me to face the person at the door to the suites.

“Imogen, I assume.” A tiny brunette full of energy grabbed me by the hands. “I thought you’d never get here. Come on in, we have things to get ready.”

I turned to Sienna who was now being hugged by this tiny person. I obviously made a face- something like a ‘what the heck?’, because Sienna laughed back at me.

“Oh my gosh, I forgot. I’m Poppy Hawthorne,” Poppy said, waving us into a living room. “Let’s get you guys a drink and, Imogen, I’ll bet you’re dying for a hot shower.”

“That’s no bull dust,” I said. “I feel covered in blood.”

“Right about that. I have a doctor coming to scan your eye and look you over.” Poppy handed me a drink of water. “Not to worry. He’s the Hawthorne family private doctor. He won’t tell anyone.”

“Thank you,” I said, feeling like a broken record. “Can I shower first?”

“Yes. Sienna, I have to call Victoria to let her know you’ve arrived,” Poppy said, picking up her phone. “Can you take her to the blue room? I left you a robe and clean clothes on the bed.”

“When is lunch? I’m starving,” Sienna hollered back down the hall jokingly.

We walked into a massive room that was indeed blue. I wasn’t sure of it, but I think everything in the room was blue. It was a bit overwhelming, almost comical, like it was an inside joke. But who was I to scoff at it? I’d never known anything but beige growing up, maybe a little brown or yellow sprinkled in for color.

“This is your suite until you leave the country with your new husband,” Sienna said, gesturing with both arms. “Isn’t it amazing? I once tried to count how many shades of blue were in here. I gave up on twenty.”

We both had a good laugh. I liked this girl Sienna as much as I liked Chloe and Sophie. I hoped James Bond let them know I was safe. I looked toward a smaller blue hallway where I could see steam forming.

“That’s your shower, my lady,” Sienna joked. “Go on, the housekeeper started it for you. If you don’t hurry, she might show up and wash you.”

The horror I felt at that statement must have shown on my face, because Sienna bent over laughing.

“You’re hilarious.” I laughed all the way to the loo until I turned the corner, and there stood the housekeeper, holding the shower door open.

I’m not getting washed by a blow in. How the heck am I going to get rid of her?
